Bethel Church’s Ice Cream Social

Bethel United Church of Christ warmly invites you to our annual Ice Cream Social on July 11, 2024, starting at 4:30pm. We are continuing our annual tradition of a buffet-style dinner with games and, of course — socialization! We are located at 10425 Bethel Church Rd in Manchester.
Bethel’s cooks will be preparing BBQ sandwiches, hot dogs, German and American potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, and, as always — cake and ice cream! Coffee, iced tea, lemonade, and water will also be offered! Come on over and experience the joys of gathering again, or you can enjoy your food at home with our takeout line.
In addition to the social, there will be a bazaar featuring homemade baked goods and craft items, a fish pond for kids, music, a photo booth, and fun games for all to enjoy!

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