Emanuel Church awarded grant for free lunch program!

Emanuel Church with sign advertising their free Wednesday lunches through the end of July. Photo by Sara Swanson.
submitted by Persis Sopariwala, Agent Charitable Fund Manager
Emanuel United Church of Christ was recently awarded a $2,000 grant to fight food insecurity in the community by the Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan Agent Charitable Fund (ACF). Grant funds will purchase food for a weekly summer lunch program for children in need.
The Emanuel United Church of Christ provides meals on Wednesdays throughout the year. During the summer they have a “Lunch on Us” from June 19 through July 30 from 11:30am to 1:30pm. They also have activities for kids and adults during these events. You can follow them on Facebook.
Emanuel United Church of Christ is one of 11 organizations throughout the state to receive a Feeding the Future Grant from the ACF in June. Organizations are nominated by a local Farm Bureau Insurance agent and selected by a committee of ACF donors based on the need of the organization, population being served, and overall goal of the program. In 2024, a total of $100,000 will be awarded through this grant program. Feeding the Future grants are reviewed every other month and the next submission deadline is Friday, August 2.
Farm Bureau Insurance agent Chris Kolokithas nominated Emanuel United Church of Christ for the grant and is passionate about supporting local hunger-relief efforts. In addition to nominating the church for the grant, Chris plans to volunteer with the distributions and advocate for the program through his numerous community efforts. Chris is a Local Multi-Line Agent serving Southeast Michigan. Please reach out to him at 734-768-1650 with any questions.
The ACF, whose mission is to end hunger in Michigan, is a donor-designated fund administered through the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture. The Michigan Foundation for Agriculture, a 501(c)(3) governed by Michigan Farm Bureau’s board of directors, positively contributes to the future of Michigan agriculture through leadership and educational programming. Through grant programs like Feeding the Future, Farm Bureau agents, clients, and partners provide food and educational programs to Michigan residents struggling with hunger and aid the more than 3,000 hunger-relief agencies throughout the state.
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