Michigan police agencies are cracking down on speeding in July

The Michigan State Police along with participating local units will heavily enforce speed limits this month to encourage motorists to slow down. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.
by Janelle D. James (Bridge Michigan)
Lead-footed drivers beware: The Michigan State Police has partnered with local law enforcement agencies across the state in a month-long crackdown on speeding.
Expect to see extra officers on the road throughout July to help cut down the number of speed-related crashes. Over 60 local law enforcement agencies are participating in this campaign, according to a list provided by MSP.
In 2023 there were 21,535 traffic crashes reported in which the speed was too fast and 195 fatalities. That’s down from the 26,996 crashes and 209 fatalities in 2022, according to the Michigan State Police’s annual Traffic Crash Report.
“We are in the busy, warm-weather season with many families driving to their favorite summer destinations,” said Katie Bower, director of the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning in a press statement. “Unfortunately, there will be drivers who put everyone at risk by speeding and driving recklessly, making crashes more likely.”
Speeding fines vary in each municipality and depend on how fast the driver is going. In Oakland County, for example, drivers can be fined between $120 and $210 for speeding.
In Branch County, drivers can be ticketed between $115 and $135 for speeding. And in Grand Traverse County, drivers can be fined up to $205 for speeding.
“Each speeding vehicle is a potential catalyst for tragedy, adding to the grim tally of preventable fatalities and crashes each year,” Bower said. “It is our hope this speed enforcement period will help lessen the impact of dangerous, impatient drivers this summer.”
The campaign, which uses federal highway safety funds, comes as more than 2.6 million Michiganders are expected to hit the road over the Fourth of July weekend.
“This federal funding will allow for more officers to be on the roads in the month of July while not taking away from normal staffing,” said Michael Shaw, public information officer for MSP first district. “These extra officers will be looking for speeding and other risky driving behaviors. The goal is to reduce traffic crashes across the state and make our roads safer.”
Officers will be issuing verbal warning and written citations in an effort to change driving behavior, Shaw said.
This article is being republished through a syndication agreement with Bridge Michigan. Bridge Michigan is Michigan’s largest nonprofit news service and one of the nation’s leading and largest nonprofit civic news providers. Their coverage is nonpartisan, fact-based, and data-driven. Find them online at https://www.bridgemi.com/.
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