Gazebo Concert this week: Brad Frey

Jean Wilson and Friends performed last Thursday. Photo courtesy of Brenda Bancroft.
by Sara Swanson
The free Thursday Gazebo Concert Series continues this week. Bring chairs or a blanket to sit on and come listen to Brad Frey in Wurster Park this Thursday, July 18, from 7pm to 8pm, as he plays his keyboard and performs songs by rock classics like Jerry Lee Lewis. Rain location is Emanuel Church, 324 W Main St (kitty-corner to the park). This concert is sponsored by Manchester District Library and Worth Repeating.
Mark your calendars: Next week, Thursday, July 25, John Lewis & the Rose City Troubadours will be performing. This concert will be sponsored by the Manchester District Library and R. D. Kleinschmidt.

Brad Frey at recent Manchester High School Alumni event. Photo courtesy of Brenda Bancroft.
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