Gazebo Concert this week: Reaction Shell

Gazebo in Wurster Park, the site of the Free Thursday Gazebo Concert Series.
by Sara Swanson
The free Thursday Gazebo Concert Series continues this week. Bring chairs or a blanket to sit on and come listen to Reaction Shell perform Irish and American music in Wurster Park this Thursday, August 1, from 7pm to 8pm. If you’ve watched live music at Conor O’ Neils in Ann Arbor, you may have already heard them! Rain location is Emanuel Church, 324 W Main St (kitty-corner to the park). This concert is sponsored by the Manchester District Library.
There won’t be a Gazebo Concert on Thursday, August 8, as it is Fair Week. But the final concert of the season will be Gordon Kwiatkowski & Friends on Thursday, August 15.
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