Emanuel UCC fundraising to replace organ

Emanuel needs a new organ! Photo courtesy of Emanuel Church.
submitted by Rev. Eugene Blair, Emanuel United Church of Christ
Emanuel United Church of Christ on Main Street has been serving the community for more than 140 years. Like every church, they have an organ. The organ is not quite that old, only about 40 years old. But the old Rogers organ has given up the ghost and gone to organ heaven. It cannot be repaired and the church needs a new one. Their fundraising drive, Make Music with Emanuel, to raise $200,000 for a new Allen organ is underway. The church would like to have the organ in place just in time for Christmas 2024.
Rhonda Ash is chair of the music committee charged with spearheading the project. “The organ is an important part of the worship history of our church,” Ash said. “Over the years, hundreds of people in the community have come to worship God through the powerful ministry of music in this sanctuary.” Worshipping God is the highest calling of the church and Emanuel has been a faithful worship center in the community for over 140 years.
The church has received a most generous gift from a donor that is half of the total cost. The church needs to raise the second $100,000 through other donations. It is the biggest financial effort of the church in many years.
Emanuel serves the community through too many ministries to name. Most recently, they have served close to 1,000 young people and families this summer with their “Lunch on Us” free meal and outreach. Emanuel is always seeking new ways to serve the greater community.

Rhonda Ash playing the organ. Photo courtesy of Emanuel Church.
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