Barry Allen inducted into the Lions of Michigan Hall of Fame

Barry Allen, with wife Peggy Allen, was recently inducted into the Lions of Michigan Hall of Fame. Photo courtesy of the Manchester Lions Club.
submitted by Manchester Lions Club
On August 3 at the Sheraton in Grand Rapids, Past Council Chair Barry Allen was inducted into the Lions of Michigan Hall of Fame. Only four active members are selected each year from the nearly ten thousand Lions in the state of Michigan. Council Chair is the top Lions position in the state.
PCC Barry Allen served 20+ years in the United States Navy, flying off of aircraft carriers during two tours in Vietnam and three Mediterranean deployments. Retiring as a Commander in 1989, he then began a career with United Airlines, mostly flying on the west coast with seven years spent internationally on the Boeing 747. He retired in 2006 as a Boeing 757/767 Captain based at Chicago O’Hare airport.
After retiring, he and his wife, PCC Peggy, chartered the Manchester Lions Club and both rose quickly in the Lions Association, becoming District Governors and Council Chairs, and they continue to serve at the local, district, and state levels.
While the Hall of Fame recognizes his many achievements in Lions, his service to Manchester played a big part in his selection. Barry is a founding member, board member, and treasurer of Worth Repeating; past master and treasurer of Manchester Lodge #148 F&AM, vice president and house manager of the KJ for the Manchester Area Historical Society; director on the fair board, charter president and currently treasurer of the Manchester Lions Club, and district treasurer of Lions District 11-B1’s six-county area.
Barry is easily recognizable riding around Manchester in his 1931 Model A Coupe with his passenger, the big green phrog named Phred, and in his 1931 Roadster with tiger Hobbs.
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