Community gathering to give thanks for Paul Whelan’s release and collect yellow ribbons

The Manchester Area Ministerial Association invites everyone to bring their yellow ribbons to the Gazebo on Thursday, August 15, at 11am to be given to a fabric artist who will turn them into a gift for the Whelan family. Photo by Sara Swanson.
submitted by Susan Hitts, Manchester Area Ministerial Association
The Manchester Area Ministerial Association invites you to give thanks to God for the release of Paul Whelan in a community worship gathering on Thursday, August 15, at 11 am at the Gazebo in Wurster Park.
As clergy in the Manchester area, we have heard from many people who have prayed for Paul’s return to the United States over multiple years while he was imprisoned in Russia. These community members have asked for a place to gather as one and acknowledge how thankful we are for this recent answered prayer.
During the Manchester Fair, Emanuel UCC began collecting “welcome home” cards from the Manchester community where Paul’s parents now reside. When we gather on Thursday, you may bring a card of celebration to add to the collection.
As we have all noticed, there have been yellow ribbons around town as we have waited and prayed for the release of Paul Whelan. The Manchester Area Ministerial Association invites you to bring the yellow ribbons that you have worn or tied around your home or business. We will gather these ribbons at this service and give them to a quilter in our community. This fabric artist will create something beautiful to gift to the family on Paul’s behalf. In this way, we hope that the Whelan family will remember that the community of Manchester never stopped hoping and praying for Paul’s safe return.
Please join us for this opportunity to publicly thank God for this amazing answer to prayer.
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