Manchester homesteading group forming!

by Sara Swanson
Two local women, Deb Heskett and Kara Clark, saw a need and decided to do something about it.
Heskett explained, “So many of us think that we are the only ones around that are trying to homestead. It gets frustrating and so many just give up, because it is hard and we feel alone, when, if we have someone we can talk to or vent to or figure something out with, we can make it, and we can do it. It’s easier to be successful with a group sometimes than it is to be successful alone.” So she and Clark decided to form a community. Their goals for this group will be to establish friendships with those in our community and surrounding communities that have the same goals — to grow and raise healthy food for their families and to raise their children with a sense of hard work and knowledge of how to provide for themselves.
They are putting out a call to anyone in the Manchester area interested in self-reliance, creating friendship with like-minded folk, and learning new skills. Their first meeting will be Friday, August 16, at 7pm in Chi-Bro Park, 209 Ann Arbor St (by the water tower). Heskett stated, “Our first meeting will be a meet and greet to see how many are interested in building lasting relationships with others in the ‘neighborhood.’ People that are skilled in one thing but want to move forward and are not sure how to expand their knowledge. We want to be able to share thoughts and ideas and be inspired by others to conquer our next task.”
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