Marsha Chartrand

Senior Citizens reach their Patronicity goal

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The Patronicity “thermometer” may appear to be full, but there is still room for more donations!

by Marsha Chartrand

“Unbelievable!” said Pat Vailliencourt.

It’s only been six weeks since the Manchester Area Senior Citizens began their quest to raise $50,000 toward their goal of building renovations of the adjacent cold storage garage attached to City Hall to help create a permanent home for the Seniors — something they’ve never been able to claim before.

Through the Patronicity campaign promoted by the Michigan Economic Development Commission, this $50,000 can now be matched to provide $100,000 in funding for the renovation work. This amount does not include appliances or furnishings for the project, but can pay for any contractual work that must be done. And more donations can still be accepted; the seniors will receive credit for all dollars raised during the campaign, which extends through September 3. A small administrative fee will be withheld by Patronicity but can be covered by additional donations.

The grassroots campaign has been an incredible source of gratitude and pride for the seniors. Starting off with a $10,000 credit from the city, which represented the investment in the new roof, and $10,000 from 5HT, the fundraising jump-started quickly. Another $5,000 from Worth Repeating and $2,000 from the Manchester Masonic Lodge rounded out the large donations, but Vailliencourt stated that the majority were private, smaller donations, ranging all the way from $1 to $2,000.

“And every single one helped get us there, with 24 days to spare!” she added.

Bids for the renovations have been received and will be considered for approval by City Council at its August 19 meeting, which will be held at 7pm in Council chambers.

And then, the work begins.

“We are anxious and excited,” Vailliencourt said. “And we are all amazed and grateful for our generous community that has supported us so far!”

Keep up the good work, Manchester.

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