Sara Swanson

Semi-truck hits Sharon Church

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A power outage caused a dark traffic signal contributing to an accident Wednesday morning resulting in a truck hitting Sharon Church. Photo courtesy of Micah Fox.

by Sara Swanson

Last Tuesday evening, the area suffered power outages as thunderstorms rolled through. One outage encompassed the traffic signal at the corner of Pleasant Lake Road and M-52. Wednesday morning a traffic accident occurred there sending one of four people involved to the hospital with a leg injury and damaging Sharon Church, located on the northwest corner of the intersection. Because of the damage to the entryway, Sharon Church states that they will be holding worship in the the Fellowship Hall at the usual time until further notice.

Additionally Pastor Tom Waller posted on social media, “… Keep the men from the accident in your prayers, that they heal quickly. May we [pray] for our community and encourage conversation away from who did or did not do something wrong. Rather may we give thanks that no one was severely injured and that more damage did not occur.”

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