Sara Swanson

Dr. Eleazer Root to receive Patriot Marker dedication from DAR in ceremony, descendants sought

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Dr. Eleazer Root’s grave decorated for Memorial Day. Mirror file photo.

submitted by Denise Frost, historian, Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

Manchester is invited to celebrate its rich historical legacy by joining the Daughters of the American Revolution as they commemorate a significant chapter in American history with the dedication of an American Revolution Patriot Marker for Dr. Eleazer Root. This dedication ceremony will take place on October 13, 2024, at 2pm at Oak Grove Cemetery in Manchester, located at 18990–18620 W Austin Rd. Distinguished guests and local officials will be speaking about the importance of this historical event. Historians and community members are invited to gather to honor the memory of those who played pivotal roles in shaping the destiny of our nation.

Dr. Root, like many young men of his era, enlisted in 1779 at the tender age of 15. He served for one year, stationed at West Point, N.Y., contributing to the fight for American independence. This event will not only pay tribute to the brave individuals who fought for freedom but also serve as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made for the principles of our liberty and democracy. The historic Oak Grove Cemetery was established in 1833 by Henry Annibal, one of Manchester’s earliest settlers, and Dr. Root was the first to be buried there in 1837.

Any descendants from Sgt. Dr. Eleazer Root are asked to reach out to the DAR chapters in Washtenaw County or the Huron Valley Chapter, NSSAR, so we can recognize you. Contact the chapters about this or for information on joining at: the Ypsilanti Chapter, NSDAR,, Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter, NSDAR,, or the Huron Valley Chapter, NSSAR, For more information about the dedication ceremony, please contact Denise Frost at

Join us as the Ypsilanti and Sarah Caswell Angell Chapters, NSDAR, and the Huron Valley Chapter, NSSAR, come together to honor our American Revolution Patriots and reaffirm our dedication to the ideals they fought for. Let us never forget the debt of gratitude we owe to those who dared to dream of a free and independent nation.

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