Sara Swanson

“Let’s Gather” event a great success!

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Manchester Area Historical Society volunteers: Karen Berg, Ray Berg, Colleen Schoenfeld, Rita Malysheva and Hugo Ramsey. Photo courtesy of Colleen Schoenfeld.

by Colleen A. Schoenfeld

On Saturday, September 21, Bob and Sandy Mottice opened their property to the community for the Let’s Gather Event, coordinated by their daughter Heather Rathburn. As previously reported in the Mirror, the farmstead is a unique and interesting feature along Pleasant Lake Rd, and many were interested in an opportunity to get a closer look. More than 800 folks of all ages were interested in fact! This turn out far exceeded their expectation of 300-400 possible visitors, and Bob and Heather were very pleased. There were over 30 vendors present, over 20 volunteer helpers on site, and about 10 historic craft and skill demonstrators. The vendors, volunteers, and demonstrators included some of Manchester’s own, like members of the Manchester Area Historical Society.

Heather’s goal in planning and coordinating the event, was to provide a unique location for a vender market and to showcase Bob and Sandy’s hard work and amazing property with their historic buildings they’d moved and restored onto their land. Bob said he was “geeked” and at times emotional, about the turn out and the interest expressed by all who stopped by to chat with him and express their appreciation for their hard work. Bob said it felt good to have people appreciate what they’d accomplished with the buildings and with the event.

One very special visitor on Saturday, who had visited before, was Arlene Palmer Morris. Bob shared that Arlene is now in her early 90s but when she was a child, her grandfather owned the historic log cabin that Bob moved to his property and lovingly restored. In the mid to late 1890s, her grandfather had his 3 granddaughters, including Arlene, stay in that cabin, and spend time there, and she holds dear memories of those visits and cherishes that the cabin is being preserved. The granddaughters have even donated portraits of their grandparents and some household heirloom items to the Mottices, which are displayed in the cabin. It had always been Bob’s dream to own a log cabin, and he went through quite the process to have it moved to his land, over fields and dirt roads, to make it happen!

Heather posted to the Facebook event page, a special thank you, which is printed here below, to express her gratitude to everyone who visited, participated, and helped make this a fantastic and unique experience for all! When asked, they do not plan to make this a regular event as Bob and Heather said that they accomplished everything they had set out to and exceeded all their expectations. But no fear! If you couldn’t make it to see this amazing property, Bob is planning to offer small classes in the future for those interested in learning historic skills and techniques. So, keep your eyes open as you drive past on Pleasant Lake Rd for signs he’ll put up as classes open, and watch out on Facebook on sites like the Manchester Area Historical Society page for updates as more information becomes available. Bob has also graciously extended the invitation, for interested folks who’d like to look around and appreciate the historic buildings and beautiful property, to just stop by and say hello! And a big congratulations to Carrie Walz, who won a one-night stay in the historic log cabin!

Reprint of FB event page thank you from Heather:

“A few weeks back my sweet friend, Shani asked the question, “how will you know it’s a success?” My reply was simple, “I just want vendors to have fun selling their homemade treasures, food, music and talents, the public to have a great time milling about the property and most of all for my parents to be honored for the hard working, lovely people that they are.” Well…you ALL crushed my goal as you checked all the boxes and then some…it was a SMASHING SUCCESS!!
A huge country thank you to everyone who made this event possible! I had:

  • God guiding my steps on this crazy dream
  • The support of my hubby, Jack
  • My parents who were so excited and just wouldn’t stop
  • A few people helping on the property the week of
  • An army of event day helpers who made things run smoothly
  • Many offers to help if needed
  • 40+ vendors/food/musicians/demonstrators and
  • YOU the public over 800 people; family + friends, both old and new, came out to support this crazy one of a kind vendor market with country charm. My mind is blown and my heart is forever grateful and humbled for your love, support and cheerleading me on!”

Left to right: Sandy Mottice, Bob Mottice, and Arlene Palmer Morris. Photo courtesy of courtesy of Heather Rathburn.

Placard display of the historic log cabin and information. Photo courtesy of courtesy of Heather Rathburn.

Bob Mottice preparing his “extra-special Bob’s Better Bean Soup.” Photo courtesy of courtesy of Heather Rathburn.

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