Sara Swanson

Are you able to adopt a family for Christmas?

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It’s time to adopt a family for Christmas.

submitted by Diane Du Russel, Manchester Family Service

Harvesting is almost complete it seems. Thanksgiving is soon and then a joyful Christmas. Would you like to help contribute to someone’s joy this Christmas? Manchester Family Service (MFS) is getting ready for their annual Adopt-a-Family Program. This program matches clients with anonymous donors who volunteer to purchase gifts for a family this holiday season.

Seniors and children younger than high school age from families who meet the federal poverty guidelines are given a form to fill out in which they can specify their needs and wishes. All information is coded to be anonymously matched up with a volunteer donor. Forms must be returned by November 4, a Monday. If you or someone you know is interested in using this program, please call MFS at (734) 428-7183.

If you wish to take part in this project by adopting a family, contact John Sahakian at (734) 428-7183 or by email at For adopting a Senior or Single, contact Marlene Uphaus at (734) 341-7170 or by email at

One of the many activities the MFS does in addition to the Adopt-a-Family Program is a monthly distribution of donated and purchased food given out on the third Wednesday of the month from 1 to 3pm at the Manchester United Methodist Church. MFS is a 501(c)(3) organization. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer time or donate, please call MFS at (734) 428-7183. Thank you to all the kind-hearted citizens.

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