Sara Swanson

Luther C. Klager Elementary students learn about Manchester history

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Sue LaRocque teaches first-grade students about the history of Manchester.

submitted by Melissa Yekulis

On Friday, October 11, the children of Manchester were treated to a special walking field trip to the Manchester Area Historical Society. Every child, Young 5s through Second Grade, were treated to a personalized tour of the history of Manchester. While there, they learned the timeline of how Manchester has changed and grown through the years. They heard stories and were immersed in the local artifacts. They learned about different industries that have existed in Manchester. They even learned about the one-room schoolhouse that used to be used to teach children. Most excitingly, children were exposed to a variety of local maps and had the opportunity to find where their school was on a historical map.

The team at Luther C. Klager Elementary School would like to thank Ray Berg for the invitation to come to the Manchester Area Historical Society, and to all the volunteers who came together to make that special day possible.

The Manchester Area Historical Society is open and available for children to bring their parents back for a personalized tour on Sundays from 1 to 4pm.

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