Manchester 2024 Home Holiday Light Display Contest

2022 Christmas in the Village lighting contest winner. Mirror file photo.
by Sara Swanson
The Downtown Development Authority and Manchester Main Street Project are holding a 2024 Christmas House Decorating Contest! There will be a $100 prize for first place and a $50 prize for second place. Decoration will need to be complete by Friday, December 6, for judging, which will happen on Saturday, December 7, during Christmas in the Village. Judging will be done by non-local guest judges with no ties to any contestants. To participate, you must register by December 6. The contest is open to all residents within a 3-mile radius of downtown. Only exterior decorations and decorations visible through windows from the street will be considered (corner lots will be viewed from both streets). The winner will be announced by December 8. To register, message Christmas in the Village on Facebook or stop in at Dragonfly and Birch, 115 E Main St.
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