Emanuel Church prepares for 49th annual Live Nativity
submitted by Kelly Blaine, Emanuel Church
Celebrate Christmas with Emanuel Church as we present our 49th annual Live Nativity Thursday and Friday, December 19 and 20, from 7 to 9pm. The Christmas story is silently retold in the courtyard between the church and the fellowship hall at 324 W Main St. We invite members of the community, far and wide, to join as the Nativity set comes to life with human performers and farm animals sharing the love of God through the Christmas story.
Over the years, there have been changes to the Live Nativity but the message of God’s love for all has remained and shines in the faces from young to old each night. Not sure in 1976 if Rev. Joe Wise thought his idea of sharing the Christmas story would become a beloved tradition of Emanuel members and the community, but it has! We have members that have participated every year since 1976, community members asking if they may participate, members returning year after year to act their favorite part, and every year we have new folks wanting to join. The manger has been upgraded over the years, we’ve had donkeys nibbling on the shepherds’ clothing, and even a donkey got loose!
But through it all we’ve been blessed by our time together as a church family during this most holy season of Christmas. Plan to join Emanuel as we bring the Christmas story to life for Manchester and the surrounding communities.
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