Men’s Club readies ice rink at Wurster Park
by Marsha Chartrand
It doesn’t happen every year — but when it does, it’s a great thing for Manchester!
Last year’s relatively “warm” weather made it impossible to get started on an ice rink at the park; two years ago the rink was prepped but weather conditions allowed only a couple of days of skating fun.
But with much cooler temperatures this first week of January, conditions seemed optimal on Sunday for starting the outdoor rink at Wurster Park, prepared by the Manchester Men’s Club. About 12 members of the club showed up to prep the site, which should be ready to use within just a couple of weeks, as long as the weather holds.
Andy Mahony, Men’s Club member, asks that people please stay off the rink until the caution tape is removed, to preserve the liner. He also requests that people refrain from throwing sticks and leaves on the rink. “Preserving the liner is the key to maintaining good skating ice for the winter,” Mahony said. But when people walk on the ice or throw or drop things while the ice is forming, that will cause damage that could render the rink unusable.
The “annual” skating party with a bonfire and hot cocoa will be determined by the weather to come and how long it takes the ice to freeze solid. When the date is decided, the Men’s Club will post on social media.
The club wishes to thank Jim Schnearle for donating the straw bales to surround the rink.
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