Sara Swanson

MUMC raises $1,270 with Forgotten Christmas Sale for MASCC

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On December 29, 2024, Manchester United Methodist Church (MUMC) presented Manchester Area Senior Citizens Council (MASCC) with a check from the proceeds of their Forgotten Christmas sale that was held during the 2024 Christmas in the Village. (Left to right) Front row: Pastor Susan Hitts (MUMC) and Charlene Provey (MASCC President and Treasurer); back row: Rob Schaffer, Elaine Schaffer, Debbie Reinhart, and DeAnn Jose (Chairs of Forgotten Christmas). Photo courtesy of MUMC.

submitted by Jody Sharrow, Manchester United Methodist Church

Since 2017, Manchester United Methodist Church has held a “Forgotten Christmas” sale of Christmas treasures that have been donated by family, friends, and the Manchester community during the Christmas in the Village event.

The name “Forgotten Christmas” came from the idea that we would ask for donations of Christmas items that people were no longer using, had probably tucked away and “forgotten.” We would sell those items during our Christmas in the Village event and use the money to let the folks of Manchester know they are not forgotten. All the funds raised have gone back into the Manchester community. Over the years, the Community Resource Center, Manchester Seniors, and Manchester Family Services have received funds from this sale.

This year, the funds raised were given to the Manchester Area Senior Citizens Council (MASCC). During worship on Sunday, December 29, Charlene Provey received a check on behalf of the MASCC for $1,270 from the proceeds of the sale to be used toward the new senior center currently being created in the City of Manchester office building on City Road, which also houses the library and the sheriff’s station. The church is also hosting a “Kitchen Shower” to help the seniors furnish their meeting space. See related article in upcoming events section. 

On behalf of the chairs of Forgotten Christmas — Elaine and Rob Schaffer, DeAnn Jose, and Debbie Reinhart — thank you, Manchester, for your continued support of our Forgotten Christmas Sale.

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