Letter to the Editor: Tell Board of Commissioners to act now to protect senior funding
Dear Manchester Area Seniors,
As you may be aware, last November the Washtenaw County voters approved a millage dedicated for the needs of seniors. This millage will produce about $11 million per year.
Some County Commissioners are suggesting forming a new department to distribute these funds. Obviously, establishing a department from the ground up takes time and money. If the federal funding freeze is reinstated by Washington, D.C., our seniors could lose many of the basic need services they are currently receiving. It could become extremely critical that our millage dollars be utilized quickly for services NOT administrative costs.
At the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners (BOC) Working Session at 5:30pm on Wednesday, February 5, Toni Kayumi, the director of the Office of Community & Economic Development (OCED) will propose that the distribution of Senior Millage Funds be established under her existing department. She has stated that her department could gear up very quickly and form a focus group with the appropriate people around the table to ensure a quick and fair distribution of the funds.
The OCED Department has provided services for senior needs for over 10 years. Toni, a Manchester resident, personally was instrumental in Manchester Seniors receiving lunches for their Tuesday/Thursday program.
If you feel that our tax dollars would be much better invested in serving seniors instead of administrative costs (which could be several hundred thousand dollars), please take a few minutes to contact our Commissioner, Shannon Beeman, by email at beemans@washtenaw.org or by phone at 734-222-6850, or attend the BOC Working Session at 220 N Main St, Ann Arbor, Wednesday, February 5, at 5:30pm.
I have been in three meetings this week to speak up for fiscal responsibility and to ensure Manchester Area Seniors are included in the distribution of funds. I will attend the BOC meeting on February 5.
There is strength in numbers so PLEASE take a few minutes and let your voice be heard.
Thank you,
Pat Vailliencourt
Mayor of Manchester
Views expressed in any Letter to the Editor are always exclusively those of the author. Do you have something you want Manchester to know? Send your Letter to the Editor to themanchestermirror@gmail.com.
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