Sara Swanson

School board preparing for new superintendent search

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by Sara Swanson

We reported two weeks ago that Manchester Community Schools’ current superintendent, Dr. Bezeau, will be resigning at the end of this contract year, June 30, 2025, and that the school board would begin immediately on planning to recruit and hire their next superintendent.

Sandra Wiitala, board president, reports that the school board held a special meeting on February 6, 2025. At that meeting they approved inviting the nonprofit training organization the Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) to come to Manchester and present their complimentary “Superintendent Pre-Search Workshop.” The goal of this workshop is to educate board members about superintendent selection. The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 9am in the Jr./Sr. High School media center. 

The next regular school board meeting is Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 6pm in the Manchester Jr./Sr. High School auditorium, during which they will discuss next steps. Wiitala states, “We are excited about this opportunity to collaborate with our students, staff, and community in a thorough and transparent process for finding our next superintendent! We will soon be sharing more information here based on decisions made at our February 18, 2025, regular Board of Education meeting.”

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