Marsha Chartrand

Seniors are “showered” with kitchen gifts for new center

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A festive cake celebrated “new beginnings” for the Manchester Area Senior Citizens, Photo courtesy of Pat Vailliencourt.

by Marsha Chartrand

It was a lively and happy day at Manchester United Methodist Church on Saturdays, as the church threw a kitchen shower for the Manchester Area Senior Citizens to have equipment to start up their new center in April! The MUMC has already provided much support to the seniors as their lunch program has transitioned over the past year or so, including hosting the seniors’ twice-weekly luncheons in their fellowship hall.

“Itt was absolutely wonderful,” said senior center president Pat Vailliencourt. “Several gifts had been received prior to the shower, my guess is that about 40 (people) attended, great food was served, and the seniors received kitchen gifts to make them the best- stocked kitchen in Washtenaw County.”

Pastor Susan Hitts sponsored a “shower game,” with the winning prize going to the seniors. In compiling the list of gifts and donations received, Vailliencourt did a quick summary and says she us sure they are valued at over $2,100.

“It is hard to believe that one year ago the Manchester Area Senior Citizens group had been forced to discontinue their bus service, cancel their lunch program, and had overdrawn their checking account trying to continue providing services to our area seniors,” Vailliencourt said. “MUMC and the generosity of our community has made the dream of a center come true. MASCC is overwhelmed with gratitude.”

As an update on the center, Vailliencourt said she met with the contractor on Friday and he is confident the renovation will be completed by April. At that time, plans for an open house will be announced.

Rosemary Whelan holds up a photo of one of the gifts — a toaster oven/air fryer, which was a little to large to hold in her lap! Photo by Pat Vailliencourt.

Attendees enjoyed the delicious food that was served. Photo by Pat Vailliencourt.

Photo courtesy of Pastor Susan Hitts.

Photo courtesy of Pastor Susan Hitts.

Photo courtesy of Pastor Susan Hitts.

Photo courtesy of Pastor Susan Hitts.

Photo courtesy of Pastor Susan Hitts.

Photo courtesy of Pastor Susan Hitts.


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