Sara Swanson

A Memory Cafe is coming to Manchester!

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Bethel United Church of Christ. Photo credit: Dwight Burdette.

by Sara Swanson

You may have read our previous articles about Dementia Friendly Saline and their events geared toward people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s along with their caretakers. One type of event they organize is a memory cafe. In the past, attending one would have meant a drive out of town but no longer! Bethel Church UCC announced last week that they will be organizing and hosting a memory cafe right here in Manchester.

Bethel Church describes a memory cafe as a social opportunity for people with memory difficulties and their caregivers. They state, “It offers a chance to get out and to interact with others in a low-key environment without being singled out as ‘different.’ It is usually held in a safe location with minimal navigation to the cafe site and restrooms and with few distractions. There is usually some form of entertainment or activities where everyone can participate and often light refreshments. It is not a drop-off site, but caregivers have the chance to relax and talk with others in similar circumstances. Everyone wears name tags so it minimizes confusion or embarrassment. No one cares if you tell the same story five times and everyone has a story even if they don’t want to share it now.”

The memory cafe will be held from 1pm to 3 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month starting March 26 and running through October 29 in the social hall of Bethel Church at 10425 Bethel Church Road, Manchester. This is not a Bethel-only group; everyone is welcome! Support will come from the committee budget and grants from local businesses and groups and cooperation from other area groups and churches. There is no charge to participate.

Bethel Church states that you can help by bringing your friends and neighbors and loved ones who could thrive in this atmosphere. They add, “Share any talents that you have. Lead a program on crafts. Do a sing-along of old favorites or movie songs. Organize some games like charades that people can participate in. Play in a band or sing in a group? Do a performance for us. Ideas are welcome. Volunteer to help with mailings or serve refreshments. Donate funds so we can occasionally bring in something special. Most of all SPREAD the word. Pass out flyers. Post a flyer.”

The Bethel Memory Cafe is being organized by Bethel Church as a function of its Hands for Local Missions subcommittee of its Missions Team and is being coordinated with the other local Dementia Friendly services in southwestern Washtenaw County. For more information contact the Bethel Church office at 734-429-8530 or Betty Harper of the Bethel Hands for Local Missions at 734-218-2988.

Flyer for sharing. Courtesy of Manchester Community Resource Center.

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