State Senator Jeff Irwin calls Trump actions “reckless and illegal” at Manchester coffee hour

by Fritz Swanson State Senator Jeff Irwin, who represents the 15th district, including the City of Manchester, Manchester Township, and Bridgewater Township, in Lansing, held a coffee hour at Millie’s Coffeehouse on Main Street. The event was on Saturday, March 15, and ran from 11am until almost 1pm. About 20 people from across the district […]
Phrenology and Ghosts in Manchester, Part One of Two
by Ray Berg and Alan Dyer Early Manchester Adult Education Small towns on the western frontier in the 1840s hungered for the latest educational, social, and literary developments, particularly by those residents who had come from the larger cities in New York. Manchester was no exception. This hunger was largely fed by touring lecturers, […]
Phrenology and Ghosts in Manchester, Part Two of Two
BY RAY BERG AND ALAN DYER Have you read part 1? Click HERE to read part 1! Parnell’s Head As he requested, Dr. Parnell’s head was removed, preserved and shipped to Fowler & Wells in New York City. The brothers Lorenzo Niles Fowler (1811-1896) and Orson Squire Fowler (1809-1887) were two of the leading phrenologists […]
Editorial: Arguments are for calming things down (part 3 of 3)
by Fritz Swanson In order to know that we know things, we have to have justification for our beliefs. We justify our beliefs using arguments that we accept can be proven false. We build our arguments out of claims and support. And all the while our goal isn’t victory, it’s the truth, whatever the truth […]
Editorial: Arguments are for finding truth (part 2 of 3)
by Fritz Swanson Arguments are for distinguishing true things from false things. And arguments are for making our best guess when we can’t be sure. Imagine you have a pile of apples you’ve had for a while. You have to sit down and sort them, find the ones with bruises and with worm holes, and […]
Editorial: How do we know things? (part 1 of 3)
by Fritz Swanson In philosophy, one of the basic questions is “How do we know things?” This is called “epistemology.” It is worth thinking about HOW we know things. This is because nobody can know EVERYTHING. We will always have to rely on other people for knowledge. For example, I know a lot about writing […]
“Passport to Manchester” taking shape in the hands of local craftsman
Former Riverfolk president and current board member Jim Horton is hard at work on the “Passport to Manchester” project. Riverfolk and the Manchester Area Historical Society will be presenting eight live events over the course of 2021, and these physical passports will allow you to collect a record of each event as it occurs. As […]
What’s happening with the ice cream shop?
Everyone loves ice cream, and wants it to be available in Manchester! Kids want ice cream after their baseball games. Parents want someplace they can let the kids go and not be worried about them. Seniors enjoy having a place to stroll and being able to find a nearby bench so they can watch the […]
What Whitmer’s new coronavirus order means for summer plans
by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) Sign up the kids for day camp, stretch out your spandex for an outdoor fitness class, invite 99 of your closest friends to a cookout and feel the freedom of leaving home without fear of violating government orders. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Monday lifted her stay-at-home order and announced plans […]
WCSO distributing supplies in Manchester on Tuesday
submitted by the Community Resource Center The Community Resource Center (CRC) in partnership with the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office and Washtenaw My Brother’s Keeper will be distributing a limited number of cleaning supplies, paper products and personal protection items to those who need them on Tuesday, June 2nd between 10am-1pm (or until supplies run out). […]