Fritz Swanson

Election Results of the 2016 State Primary

Manchester residents (technically we’re Mancunians) went to the polls Tuesday, along with the rest of the state, to vote in the primary for state and local offices. As of 11:10pm, the unofficial results for the contested local elections are as follows: In Bridgewater, Michelle McQueer appears to have defeated John Wheeker for the position of […]

 Fritz Swanson

End of Summer Reading brings pizza and wise owls (photos)

The end of summer brings an end to the Summer Reading at the Manchester District Library. For all the children who finished their reading, there was an ample quantity of pizza from Ollie’s, prizes to be doled out, and a live animal encounter featuring rescued owls and raptors from the Leslie Science Center. It was, ahem, a […]

 Fritz Swanson

Clinton School District to send bus into Manchester this fall

Manchester Community Schools, like many other school districts in the state, is struggling with the district budget. Because of decreased revenue per pupil from the state, combined with decreased enrollment due to factors outside of its control, school districts are turning to the only source of new income open to them in order to continue […]

 Fritz Swanson

Michigan’s 103rd State Park is in Manchester

After years of negotiations, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced on June 16, 2016 a $2.9 million purchase of 717 acres of land in Norvell Township, Jackson County. Combined with 405 acres of contiguous land owned by the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission in Manchester Township, the property will become the 1,122-acre Watkins […]

 Fritz Swanson

Manchester man to drive tractor over Mackinac Bridge

John Schiel has a soft spot for old iron. This local farmer and president of the Jackson Area Antique Tractor Club has been restoring vintage tractors for half a decade. And they aren’t just for show. For the last five years he–and hundreds of other tractor enthusiasts–have taken their iron north in the fall to […]

 Fritz Swanson

Manchester High School’s 2016 Graduating Class

On Sunday, June 5th at 2 pm, Manchester High School’s graduating class of 2016 held their commencement exercises. Valedictorian was Audrey Pierce who will be attending the University of Michigan and Salutatorian was Nathaniel Hicken who will be attending Brigham Young University. Manchester High School 2016 Graduating Class: Dominic Alan Adams Martha Anne Adams Alisha McKenzie Allen Zachery […]

 Fritz Swanson

50th Annual Manchester Canoe/Kayak Race

Editor’s Note: this history of the race was written by Sybil Kolon and submitted by the Manchester Kiwanis Club. Race registration forms are available at Ash Auto, Matt Donnellon State Farm Insurance, Frank’s Place, Old National Bank and Andrews Family Chiropratic – all located in Manchester.  They are also available via email request at  Be sure […]

 Fritz Swanson

Manchester Community Schools launches strategic planning process

The Board of Education and the Administration of Manchester Community Schools is launching a new initiative to guide the district through a 3-5 year Strategic Plan. The purpose of this initiative is to help them develop new goals and strategies for continuing to offer an excellent education for their students, while using scarce public education resources in […]

 Fritz Swanson

Victory Baptist Church to hold first annual mom-to-mom sale

Victory Baptist Church is holding its first annual Mom-To-Mom sale on May 26, 2016. This event is FREE to moms and the public at large. Lunch is complimentary. Victory Baptist Church is at 419 S. Macomb St. in Manchester. For questions or to reserve tables, please call Gail Daniels, at 517 902 5246.

 Fritz Swanson

Sign up for Mens Club rototilling

The Manchester Men’s Club will be tilling gardens for donation in mid to late May. Sign up on the Mens Club FACEBOOK page, at Keith Reed Barber Shop, call John Stedman @ 231-6284, or contact your friendly local Men’s Club member.

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