Marsha Chartrand

Supreme Court: Flint residents can seek damages from state in lead crisis

by Kelly House, Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) A class-action lawsuit targeting state officials for their role in the Flint water crisis can move forward, and residents may ultimately deserve monetary compensation for their alleged injuries, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. A majority of the six-justice panel (a seventh justice recused herself) agreed that the named […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Highly anticipated River Raisin Distillery opens

It’s been 61 months since Joe and Krista Jarvis purchased the old Koebbe Welding building on West Main Street. But who’s counting? They have spent most of the past five years doing most of the work of cleaning, creating, and crafting that old, drafty, dusty building into their vision, then cleaning some more, and simultaneously […]

 Marsha Chartrand

County wide 4-H project fills CRC’s freezers

The Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC) was the recipient of some very special gifts last week, thanks to the efforts of an annual 4-H community service project. “During a normal year, some of our poultry kids raise chickens and/or turkeys as a community service project,” explained Christie Warren, parent to two 4-H’ers, Rhea and Ethan, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve, a unique partnership

By Claire Pajka Michigan’s newest state park, Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve (WLP), is comprised of Watkins Lake, open meadowland, and low wetland areas. Long a popular birding and wildlife observation area, Watkins Lake is designated by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) as a waterfowl refuge. This serene park also holds […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Yes, Virginia … there will be ONE Ice Cream Social!

Submitted by Jane (Rose) Finkbeiner For many years, in Washtenaw County, starting the end of June and running through the first week of August, families have enjoyed scheduling time to attend each of the local churches’ Ice Cream Socials. It has become an Ice Cream Social Circuit, of sorts, where folks come together to support […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Primary Election set for August 4

Manchester area voters are reminded that the state primary election, which also selects candidates who will run for township offices in the November general election, will be held on Tuesday, August 4. Polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm and voting is held at your local township office (for those who live in […]

 Marsha Chartrand

The battle of invasive plants, and two to watch out for

By Claire Pajka The Manchester area is currently involved in an intense invasive battle. But what, exactly, are invasive plants? An invasive plant is considered any plant that is non-native to the area and has potential to seriously disrupt or harm the balance of natural communities. According to the Jackson Lenawee Washtenaw Cooperative Invasive Species […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester Township discusses fire, events, communications at July 14 meeting

Submitted by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps The July 14 Manchester Township board meeting was held in person for the first time since March. All board members were present, as well as fire chief Bill Scully. Four other members of the public were present, including Manchester Village President, Pat Vailliencourt. Residents will notice a new […]

 Marsha Chartrand

From Acorn Farmers Market: A letter to the community

This letter is written to the community on behalf of the Acorn Farmers Market & Café, by Laura Wolgemuth, the former Manchester Farmer’s Market Manager and a new member of the Board of Directors for Acorn. It is part of a series of articles submitted by the Acorn Board of Directors, to promote the Patronicity […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Stories of Wil: Wil’s growing independence

Wil is a 13-year-old boy with Down syndrome. He is the little brother, by 20 months, to twin sisters, Katherine and Elizabeth. Wil’s mom, Christie, knew very little about Down syndrome when Wil was diagnosed shortly after his birth. It didn’t take long for Christie to realize how enriching life with Down syndrome is. Embracing […]