Marsha Chartrand

Fair announces plans, queen candidates, for summer 2020

submitted by Angie Schaible, Secretary, Manchester Community Fair As of April 20, the plans for the 2020 Manchester Community Fair are still moving forward. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through all of the continually changing regulations and information. This year’s fair dates have moved to August 18-22, kicking off on Tuesday with the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester’s 54th Annual Canoe Race postponed

submitted by Sybil Kolon, Canoe Race committee With uncertainty still surrounding the ability of group activities to go forward in May, the committee coordinating the Canoe and Kayak Race decided last week to postpone the annual race, normally held on the third Sunday in May. A decision regarding when and if the race can be […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO report: March 2020 police activity in Village of Manchester

During the month of March thee were 72 calls for service (including traffic stops). Deputies conducted 27 traffic stops during this time, with 22 citations issued. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during the last month include: On March 1, the collaboration responded to the 800 block of E. Main Street for a hold up alarm. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Stories of Wil: A celebration of love–and hugs

submitted by Christie Taylor Wil is a 13-year-old boy with Down syndrome. He is the little brother, by 20 months, to twin sisters, Katherine and Elizabeth. Wil’s mom, Christie, knew very little about Down syndrome when Wil was diagnosed shortly after his birth. It didn’t take long for Christie to realize how enriching life with […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan Legislature won’t extend Whitmer’s stay-home order, Shirkey says

by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge) Michigan Republican leaders are challenging Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to loosen stay-home restrictions, saying it’s unlikely her executive authority will last past April 30. House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, sent a scathing letter to Whitmer on Saturday, saying her restrictions on travel have made Michigan a “national outlier” for toughness and called on her to make […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Southeast Michigan may be past coronavirus peak, but cases grow elsewhere in the state

by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge) On Saturday, Michigan recorded 768 confirmed coronavirus cases, further indication that the state’s curve is flattening from a peak that two weeks ago saw 1,600 sickened every day. But much of the decline is in metro Detroit, while other parts of the state are just now hitting their peaks, an analysis […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Stay home, don’t stay safe. Domestic violence calls up amid Michigan lockdown

by Riley Beggin (Bridge) If you are a victim of domestic abuse, get help by calling the national domestic abuse hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or chat online here with the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence. You can also find local domestic violence aid services in your county. Weeks stuck at home can be […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Seniors dying from coronavirus. Michigan still won’t name nursing homes

by Ted Roelofs (Bridge) More than 2,200 coronavirus deaths have now been recorded in Michigan, and one recent trend has been stark: the rising age of people dying from the virus. On April 1, the median age of Michigan COVID-19 deaths was 72. By Thursday, that number had risen to 75. In the past week, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

River Raisin canoe race hopes to go on in 2020; Top Fan will be here, too

At last Monday night’s virtual Village Council meeting, Canoe Race organizer Sybil Kolon updated Council on the status of this year’s race. With the Kiwanis Club disbanding last fall and a variety of different organizations taking over the many events that the club had sponsored, the Manchester Music Boosters had decided to sponsor the 54th […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Senior class of 2020–missing the “Lasts”

It’s been a strange couple of months for the Class of 2020. And the ones ahead promise to be equally challenging. Hollie Kolcz, guidance counselor at Manchester High School, should be experiencing her busiest time of year right now. But instead of her office bustling with students printing and submitting their scholarship applications, they are […]