Marsha Chartrand

Track team’s can and bottle drive a great success

by Marsha Chartrand The Manchester varsity track team says a huge “thank you” to the Manchester community! Saturday’s can and bottle drive went pretty smoothly, according to head coach Michael Coltre, noting that, “Everyone was working together and doing their job so it was great to see! It’s not an easy job and there was […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Photos: Spring workday leaves parks sparkling

by Marsha Chartrand The Manchester Parks Commission organized and carried out a cleanup of Carr, Kirk, and Chi-Bro parks on Saturday, March 16. Several commissioners and a few volunteers spent a couple of hours enjoying the beautiful morning while filling trash bags. Among those participating included Commissioner Kindra Weid and husband Ben; Commissioner Pat Vailliencourt […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Public notice: Manchester Family Service

PUBLIC NOTICE The Public is invited to attend: MANCHESTER FAMILY SERVICE, INC. ANNUAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024 10:30 A.M. at Manchester United Methodist Church 501 Ann Arbor St. Manchester, Michigan Submitted by Cathy Moore, e-mail Recording Secretary, Manchester Family Service, Inc.

 Marsha Chartrand

In Michigan, 60% of jobs don’t pay middle-class wages. Can state stop slide?

by Paula Gardner (Bridge Michigan) Debate about the effectiveness of corporate subsidies in Michigan is increasing, as experts and business leaders worry the state and its workers are rapidly losing ground. Michigan wages have fallen dramatically compared to other states since 2000, and the state has lost on some high-profile investments, prompting Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to bet […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan school safety bills stalled: ‘It’s inexcusable,’ Oxford dad says

by Jordyn Hermani and Isobel Lohman (Bridge Michigan) LANSING — Legislation to improve school safety introduced after the mass shooting at Oxford High School has languished for nearly two years, and some say politics is overshadowing policy. Ask Democrats involved in the effort, and they’ll say the safety protocol bills need fine-tuning. Ask Republicans, and they […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Northern Michigan, after years of struggle, is gaining residents again

by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Michigan) The population of rural and northern Michigan counties are slowly rising, even as residents continue to leave metro Detroit, according to U.S. census estimates released this week. The data shows Michigan added nearly 4,000 residents in 2023, but the exodus from Wayne County continued: It lost 7,773 residents last year […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Dingell grabs $500,000 earmark for Manchester’s water treatment plant

Dingell grabs $500,000 earmark for Manchester’s water treatment plant

by Marsha Chartrand City Manager Michael Sessions announced on Thursday that Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (M-06) has obtained $500,000 earmarked for the City of Manchester’s Wastewater Treatment Improvements to the Lift Station, EQ Tank, and Force Main Project. “This is, obviously, not enough money for the entire project that is estimated to be $4 million,” Sessions […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Wrestlers bring home pride and honors from Ford Field

by Marsha Chartrand  The Manchester High School varsity wrestlers traveled to Ford Field on March 1 with their eight individual state qualifiers. “After having a great week of practice, the hopes were high for our young squad; all of our qualifiers will be back for next year, and with a lot of young talent on […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan has 9 months to figure out new energy law. Some say time is wasting

by Kelly House, Bridge Michigan A new law takes effect in less than nine months giving Michigan power to approve or deny large wind and solar projects, and state regulators face the hefty task of figuring out how to enforce it. During the first in a series of meetings Thursday to gather feedback, experts, advocates […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Time for toll roads in Michigan? Lawmakers revive debate

by Lauren Gibbons, Bridge Michigan As the projected price for fixing Michigan’s crumbling roads and bridges grows, lawmakers are reviving debates over charging drivers by the mile or adding tolls to some of the state’s busiest highways. A state House budget committee over the past two weeks has invited testimony from advocates of alternative road […]

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