Marsha Chartrand

Voters Not Politicians mulls its next Michigan battle

by Riley Beggin (Bridge) Like any group whose first try ends in smashing success, the pressure is high for Voters Not Politicians to ensure it doesn’t become a one hit wonder. Its founders were a group of political novices who organized thousands of volunteers to change the state constitution over the wonkiest of subjects, gerrymandering. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan minimum wage, paid sick leave case to get Supreme Court review

By Lindsey VanHulle (Bridge) The Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday said it will consider the Legislature’s request for an advisory opinion on whether new laws to raise the state’s minimum wage and require paid sick leave are legal. The court did not commit to issuing an opinion, leaving open the question for now. During the lame-duck session […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Detroit studies restoring passenger trains to Michigan Central Station

From Bridge Magazine, By Joel Kurth & Chastity Pratt Dawsey, Detroit Journalism Cooperative DETROIT –  More than 30 years after the last passenger train left Michigan Central Station, Ford Motor Co. and regional leaders are studying whether Amtrak service can return to the iconic building, Bridge Magazine has learned. A $30,000 feasibility study commissioned by the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority […]

 Marsha Chartrand

New shop opens in Manchester

It’s been less than a year since Terri Stewart started learning about the benefits of CBD oil, but in that short length of time, it has become a passion for her. “I have always appreciated natural, organic options for symptom relief,” she says. “I chose to open stores selling pure, organic CBD oil and CBD products, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

MHS to award former student’s diploma 74 years later

John W. Schook, the eldest of nine children, was born November 12, 1927. When he was 17 and in the 10th grade at Manchester High School, he decided to join the Merchant Marines to help support his now-single mother and eight siblings. He served aboard the cargo ship Hinton R. Helper until December 1945, when he was […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester’s recycling costs remaining stable

Although communities across the state, and even elsewhere in Washtenaw County, are facing higher recycling costs that could threaten to make programs more expensive or even obsolete, the Village of Manchester is seeing stable costs through its current program. “We contract with Modern Waste, which is a smaller company,” explained Jeff Wallace, Manchester Village Manager. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

High School art show and more — Library has full schedule of April events

submitted by Tamara Denby, Manchester District Library It’s April. Spring has definitely sprung (finally), and the Manchester District Library has some terrific programs planned for you! We will start off the month with the Manchester High School Student Art Show. The open house is Friday, April 5 from 6 to 8 pm and it is open […]

 Marsha Chartrand

St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea to sponsor 30th annual Heart & Sole Run, Walk and Kids Fun Run

St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea will sponsor the 30th annual Heart & Sole Run, Walk and Kids Fun Run on Saturday, May 4 at Chelsea High School. All proceeds from this year’s race will go towards helping expand and enhance the hospital’s tree-lined scenic walking paths with additional routes, lighting, and signage. These investments will help sustain […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Letter to the Editor: Is Walberg a Defender of Democracy?

March 28, 2019 To the Editor: The American system of checks and balances protects our democracy only if each branch of government values and defends its own authority and autonomy. When President Trump declared a national emergency to take money for a wall on our southern border, he circumvented Congress’s right to allocate taxpayer funds, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Surging costs cause some Michigan cities to rethink recycling programs

by Jim Malewitz (Bridge) Shortly after taking office in 2007, Westland Mayor Bill Wild launched “Mission: Green,” a program to slash carbon emissions, limit stormwater runoff and improve quality of life in the Detroit suburb. A cornerstone of the plan: Introducing single-stream, curbside recycling to Westland’s 82,000 residents. It was a success, touting a 78 percent […]