Manchester teacher vies for statewide fitness award
“Each year, we look forward to introducing the GFA finalists to our fellow Michiganders,” shares Amy Ghannam, President and CEO of Michigan Fitness Foundation. “By recognizing and sharing their extraordinary stories, they influence us all to have a renewed vigor to make healthier choices. We invite citizens from across the state to join us at […]
Manchester’s liability is more favorable than many communities’
While a rising number of communities and government entities across the state struggle with funding even 40 percent of their employees’ post-retirement benefit costs, Manchester is fortunate to be well funded for post-retirement health care benefits and pension, according to Village Manager Jeff Wallace. As reported in the Bridge Magazine article in this week’s Mirror, many communities–both large […]
Problems at the post office
“The Postal Service shall have as its basic function the obligation to provide postal services to bind the Nation together through the personal, educational, literary, and business correspondence of the people. It shall provide prompt, reliable, and efficient services to patrons in all areas and shall render postal services to all communities.” (U.S. Postal Service […]
It’s reading month at Riverside Intermediate School
submitted by Gary Puhl, Riverside Intermediate principal It is so hard to believe that it is March! With March comes March is Reading Month and the Riverside Student Council has worked hard to get input from the students. All input has been compiled into a jam-packed, age-appropriate calendar for the month. Highlights include: students will […]
Robotics fare well in Gibraltar this weekend
The Manchester robotics team ended up going 5-7 during qualification matches through the day on Friday and Saturday morning. “We had a couple of ups and downs with mechanical issues in early matches,” said coach Matt Hall. “As qualification continued, we had some good performances and were able to string together a few wins. “We […]
Washtenaw Farm Bureau members attend legislative seminar
Manchester farmers who are members of the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau attended the 2019 Lansing Legislative Seminar on February 26th. They had a chance to tour the Michigan Supreme Court and visit with Justices Megan Cavanaugh, Elizabeth Clement, and Chief Justice Bridget Mary McCormack. The Seminar includes more than Capitol tours, lunch speakers and ice cream. […]
Another Crazy Ca$h-filled night
submitted by Nick Steinmetz, Superintendent, Manchester Community Schools The 20th annual Manchester Crazy Ca$h is in the books! On Saturday (March 2, 2019), the Borek-Jennings funeral home was packed full with nearly 400 people all clamoring at the chance to win multiple prizes and cash while supporting a good cause! 2019 marks the first year […]
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea to host annual Community Supported Agriculture Fair
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea and 5 Healthy Towns will host the third Annual Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Fair on March 17, from noon to 3 pm at The Ugly Dog Distillery in Downtown Chelsea. Attendees will have an opportunity to meet and speak with local farmers, as well as sign up for summer CSA memberships, which […]
Zion to host St. Patrick’s Day supper
Zion Lutheran Church, located at the corner of South Fletcher and Waters Roads in Freedom Township, is hosting a Saint Patrick’s Day supper on Saturday, March 16 from 4:30 to 7 pm. The menu includes: corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, soda bread, rolls and dessert. Proceeds from this event will benefit Chelsea Faith in Action, the […]
Manchester’s annual Easter Egg Hunt set
The Manchester Mens Club will be hosting its Annual Easter Egg Egg Hunt at 1 pm on Saturday, April 20th at Carr Park (Main Street, on the west edge of town). There will be prizes and candy; plenty of Easter Eggs for all … and maybe even a visit from the Easter Bunny!!! The event is […]