Marsha Chartrand

Wrestlers ready as season begins to wind down

It’s been a banner year for the Manchester High School wrestling team. So far this year, three juniors and one senior have hit the 100-win mark in their wrestling career. The wrestling team this year has claimed both District and Regional titles and is preparing to compete at Team State competition next weekend in Kalamazoo. Coach […]

 Marsha Chartrand

142nd Alumni Banquet set for June 15

submitted by Paul Heinrich, Class of 1969 The Manchester Alumni  Association is proud to announce the 142nd Alumni Banquet, to be held on Saturday, June 15th, 2019 at Manchester High School which is located at 20500 Dutch Drive. Social hour will begin at 5 pm with dinner being served at 6:30 pm. The classes of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester Community Dance set for March 2

There’s going to be a community dance–and you are invited! Just what, exactly, is a community dance? Traditionally, it’s an opportunity to gather together and share a fun activity in your own community. That sounds easy enough, but what is not so easy is getting the word out and making the entire community feel welcome. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Watch D.O.G.S. program starting at Riverside

When Matt & Lisa Borders moved to Manchester with their family of five children in October 2017, they noticed immediately that one of their favorite programs from the kids’ prior district, in Macomb County, was not offered at Manchester Community Schools. So, they started trying to figure out a way to bring the program to their new hometown. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Registration open for two youth sports programs

Manchester’s two spring/summer youth sports programs are now registering for the upcoming season. Manchester Area Youth Sports (T-ball, baseball, and softball) and the Manchester Soccer Association are currently in the registration period for the concurrent seasons that begin April 27. Online registration for MAYS is available at this link; for MSA Rec programs is available […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Photos: A magical and entertaining Daddy-Daughter Dance

The 2019 annual  Daddy-daughter dance, sponsored by the Manchester Community Schools Foundation, was themed “The Greatest Show.” A fun night ensued for parents and students alike!

 Marsha Chartrand

Annual spaghetti supper at Bethel Church

Saturday, February 23, 2019 is the date for Bethel’s Annual Spaghetti Supper. Spaghetti and Vegetarian Spaghetti, tossed salad, garlic bread and desserts will be served from 5 – 6:30 pm. In addition, guests can take their chances at winning one or more of the 60+ fabulous items offered through a Choice Raffle or by Silent Auction. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Ladies Society hosts successful co-op interest group

On Saturday afternoon, the Manchester Ladies Society welcomed a crowd of more than 20 people interested in forming a food co-op as an alternative to the soon-to-close Manchester Market. Among those in attendance was MSU Economist Bill Knudson, who helps with food co-op start up in southeast Michigan, as well as Joe and Heather McDougall, coordinators […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Farm Market Stop in Manchester?

submitted by Ruth VanBogelen, Manchester Farmers Market Committee A Farm Market Stop is a store open 7 days a week. It looks like the produce, meat and dairy section of a traditional grocery store. Customers come to the Farm Market Stop frequently (maybe even daily) to purchase food for healthy meals and snacks. The food […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Phoenix Waters is MHSAA state wrestling runner-up

Manchester High School sophomore Phoenix Waters, 15, competed on Sunday at MHSAA Girls State tournament, held at Adrian College’s Merillat Sport and Fitness Center. Phoenix earned runner-up status with all of her bouts throughout the tournament ending in pins, until the final where she lost to a senior by a close decision of 4-6. In a […]