SRSLY Manchester awarded grant to fund drug prevention efforts
SRSLY Manchester has been awarded a Drug-Free Communities grant from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). The grant will provide $625,000 over five years for the coalition to build on its current anti-drug activities and programs. Manchester Community Schools will continue its partnership with SRSLY Manchester, and will act as the […]
MHS Volleyball conference champs, head to district playoffs
At the end of its regular season, the Manchester varsity volleyball team’s record is currently 39-10-2, with an undefeated first place standing in the Cascades Conference. The conference tournament was held last Thursday afternoon at Michigan Center High School. “We are headed into district playoffs this week at Columbia Central,” said head coach Trisca Beasley. The […]
SJM Chelsea to host free “Youth Mental Health” first aid course
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea and SRSLY Coalitions will host a free Youth Mental Health First Aid course designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers and neighbors how to help adolescents (ages 12-18) who are experiencing mental health or addiction challenges. The course, which will be held Saturday, November 10 from 9 a.m. to […]
Letter to the Editor: What kind of America do we want?
October 26, 2018 To the Editor: As I write this, 12 apparent bombs have been sent to Americans. None of us know yet how dangerous these were. We don’t know how many lives could have been impacted. But we do know who the targets were. We do know that this appears to have been done […]
Manchester will have a unique snow plow this winter
You may have wondered why there has been a large snow blade sitting in front of the Klager Elementary School parking lot since late summer. More recently, you may have noticed that there’s now some very special artwork gracing that same large blade. Thanks to a cooperative project between the Washtenaw County Road Commission and Klager […]
School board candidate forum set for next Monday, Oct. 29
The Manchester Ladies Society will be hosting a forum of school board candidates next Monday, Oct. 29 from 7 to 8:30 pm, in the Media Center of Riverside Intermediate School, located at 710 East Main Street. Everyone is invited to attend and hear the candidates answer questions, including those asked by audience members. It is a great way to […]
Manchester wrestlers place at preseason nationals
In a national wrestling pre-season tournament featuring 16 teams from around the country this past weekend, three Manchester girls showed their excellence in the sport! Piper Fry placed third in the intermediate division weighing in at 45 lbs. Roseanna Waters earned 6th place in the schoolgirl class, weighing in at 113lbs. And Phoenix Waters was […]
Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll drive a success
The members of Knights of Columbus Council #4354 wish to express a heartfelt “THANK YOU” to the Manchester community for their generous donations to the Knights of Columbus 2018 Tootsie Roll Drive for mentally impaired children and adults who have developmental disabilities. The proceeds, which totaled $1,471 this year, from the Manchester K of C Drive will be […]
Volunteer opportunity at Watkins Lake
Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation is hosting an upcoming volunteer opportunity, “Preservation of a Sedge Meadow,” at Watkins Lake State Park & County Preserve, from 1-3 pm on Saturday, November 10 at the Watkins Lake County Preserve. Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve is home to a wetland system containing sedge meadow and fen […]