Marsha Chartrand

What is the Twentieth Century Club?

submitted by Donna Clark Have you ever heard of the Twentieth Century Club, and wondered how this club fits into the community of Manchester? The Twentieth Century Club has been a part of the Manchester community since 1899, when a group of women decided to meet and share information regarding civic problems in our town, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

October 2018 Student of the Month, Emma Mrocko

The October 2018 Student of the Month for Manchester High School, sponsored by the Manchester Community Schools Foundation, is Emma Mrocko. Emma is the daughter of Kurt and Michelle Mrocko. Emma has been the president of the graduating class of 2019 since their ninth grade year, and is currently the co-president of the Manchester High School National […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCRC road work updates

Road work this week in our section of the county will include more work on the the guard rail on Pleasant Lake Road, just east of Schneider, in Freedom Township which will involve intermittent lane closures starting on Monday, Oct. 22 and continuing through Friday, Oct. 26. Work is anticipated to be completed within the coming […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Librarian’s Corner: Mystery author P.D. James

submitted by Amelia Herron, Manchester District Library Do you like crime mysteries? Do you like period dramas? Do you like dystopian fiction? If you answered yes to any or all those questions, then you should pick up a P.D. James novel. James started writing in 1962, starting with crime mysteries. Once Agatha Christie had died, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Photo: Homecoming Royalty

 Marsha Chartrand

Letter to the Editor: Proposal 2 worth a second look

October 17, 2018 Dear Editor, In the newspapers and my canvassing I have read and talked with people about Proposal 2. The newspapers print what someone writes in the editorial section. This could be an opinion and very misleading. The people I have talked with have heard various ways people will form the commission. Here […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester man has a part in major film release

Did you see the movie, “First Man,” the story of Neil Armstrong–the first man to walk on the moon–this past weekend? If you did, of course you saw Ryan Gosling starring as the famous astronaut, but you probably also saw Manchester native Brett Kingsbury, who had a small role as a flight controller in Mission […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Thanks for supporting the Farm To Table Dinner

“We are very humbled and grateful by the outpouring of support we received for our recent fundraiser to help operate the 5 Healthy Towns’ Farmers Markets in Chelsea, Dexter (Winter Market), Grass Lake, Manchester and Stockbridge,” said Ruth VanBogelen, chair of this year’s Farm To Table Dinner. The group is happy to announce that the event […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Fire Department holds Open House

The Manchester Township Fire Department held its annual Open House on Sunday, October 14. Beautiful clear October skies set off the bright red fire trucks that had been shined up especially for the occasion. Firefighters and EMTs showed off some of the department’s newer equipment and a demonstration of a new CPR machine that makes […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester celebrates Homecoming with a parade

A chilly and rainy Friday afternoon could not dispel the Dutch spirit that had been building throughout the week at Manchester High School. A week filled with Spirit events based on a tropical theme elicited plenty of creativity from the students, said Student Council adviser Leslie Rollins. The results were as follows: fourth place, sophomores; […]