Eagle Scout creates storage shed for Farmers Market
Logan Luckhardt, a 16-year old Life Scout working toward his Eagle Scout rank, is now one step closer to his ultimate goal. “I joined Cub Scouts in first grade,” he says, “and I have been part of Scouting for 11 years.” When he first joined the Cub Scouts, Logan says he never thought much about […]
Manchester girl working to help Camp Talahi
Many Manchester youth have attended Camp Talahi, located near Howell, over the years. For decades, the camp was owned and exclusively supported by the United Church of Christ (UCC), but since 2012 has been its own, separate 501(c)3, now known as The Camp Talahi Retreat and Nature Center. Annie Tamagne, who grew up in Manchester and graduated […]
Several Manchester farmers receive Farm Bureau awards
Submitted by Kathleen Siler, Washtenaw County Farm Bureau During the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau annual meeting on Monday, September 17, at Weber’s in Ann Arbor, several Manchester residents were recognized for their service to the organization. Earl and Diane Horning were awarded the Outstanding Service to Agriculture; Matthew and Kathleen Noggle received the Outstanding Young […]
Road commission announces delay on Sharon Valley bridge
The detour on Sharon Valley Road between Lamb Road and Prospect Hill will probably be longer than originally anticipated. The bridge replacement where Sharon Valley crosses the River Raisin was scheduled for completion early next month, but on September 19, a note appeared on the Washtenaw County Road Commission’s (WCRC) blog: “Unfortunately, this week we have hit […]
Fourth season of Blacksmith Shop concerts makes debut
Last Saturday, the historic Blacksmith Shop on Main Street hosted the first concert in its 2018-19 series, welcoming Jazz Manouche musicians “Harrington & Brown Quartet.” Jazz Manouche, also known as Gypsy Swing, came out of France in the 1920s and 30s and was popularized on both sides of the ocean by guitarist Django Reinhardt. Jazz Manouche groups […]
Family Harvest Picnic set
On Sunday October, 7, the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau Young Farmer Committee will be hosting a Harvest Picnic for local families to enjoy. The event will be held at Hilltop Greenhouse in Ann Arbor (8996 West Liberty Rd., Ann Arbor, MI). This is a free event for the whole family to enjoy! This will be […]
Watch for pedestrians in crosswalks
Back to school season, combined with more pleasant temperatures and reduced humidity, have combined to bring out many walkers on village sidewalks. And, at some point in their walk, almost every pedestrians will need to cross the street to reach their destination. This can put a pedestrian of any age–but most especially school children–in danger from an […]
Dredging complete, riverside park plans may be hitting a snag
After a dredging process that began in early July, the cranes and equipment left Manchester’s mill pond, just north of the Main Street bridge, mid-week last week. The completion of the dredging project clears the way for the construction phase of River Raisin Park. But last week’s bid opening for River Raisin Park development created […]
Bus driver to retire after 23 years behind the wheel
Jim Sewell never really wanted to drive a school bus. “My wife had to talk me into it,” he admits with a chuckle. After working in a factory for several years, he came to the school district and initially worked as a substitute custodial staff, and then in maintenance, finally subbing as a bus driver […]
Music, art, vendors and more on a late summer’s eve
This month’s Third Thursday event falls on September 20 … one of the last nights of summer. So come on out and enjoy the true end of summer in Manchester style! • Artists, vendors market, and sidewalk sales will take place from 4-8 pm on Adrian Street. • Hayrides around town, with pickup and drop […]