Marsha Chartrand

Music, art, vendors and more on a late summer’s eve

This month’s Third Thursday event falls on September 20 … one of the last nights of summer. So come on out and enjoy the true end of summer in Manchester style! • Artists, vendors market, and sidewalk sales will take place from 4-8 pm on Adrian Street. • Hayrides around town, with pickup and drop […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Photos: Farm To Table Dinner

The third annual Farm To Table Fabulous Feast was held on Sunday afternoon at Alber Orchard and Cider Mill in Freedom Township. Tickets sold out prior to the event, chefs from all of the Five Healthy Towns provided ample food to make the event live up to its name, and a plethora of volunteers helped […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Walk to School in full swing this week

  A rainy beginning didn’t stop the Walk to School crew last week. On Monday, September 10, a dozen or so student walkers, plus teachers and volunteers, donned jackets, rain boots, a few gloves, and umbrellas to participate in the very first Walk to School day of the year. On Wednesday and Friday, the weather […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Lady Dutch Volleyball starts off season with three wins

The MHS Lady Dutch volleyball team began their 2018 season in winning style. On September 4, the Dutch traveled to Cascades Conference rival Vandercook Lake, bringing home a commanding 3-1 victory. Team scores were 22-25, 24-17, 25-21, and 25-19. Led in hitting by Stephanie Messman, the Lady Dutch had a solid  +.144 hitting percentage and a 1.74 serve-receive rating […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Public Notice: Manchester Township

Township of Manchester Resolution No. 18-14 September 11, 2018 A resolution to adopt an ordinance to amend the Manchester Township Zoning Ordinance to regulate campgrounds by amending Section 2.03 “Definitions”, Article 5.0 “AR – Rural Agricultural District”, Section 5.03 “Conditional Uses”, and Article 16.0 “Supplemental Regulations and Standards”, Section 16.17 “Storage of Recreational Equipment”, and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Zoning Board takes no action on Marathon remediation

After a lengthy public hearing on Wednesday night, the Manchester Village Council, acting as the Zoning Board of Appeals, decided to take no action on a request from SES Environmental of Fort Wayne, Indiana, (SES) to continue remediation of a gasoline spill that likely dates back to the 1970s, at 100 E. Main Street, the current site […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Destination Ann Arbor promotes Manchester activities

At last Wednesday’s Village Council meeting, Chad Wiebesick, VP of Marketing and Communication for Destination Ann Arbor (formerly the Washtenaw County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau) made a brief presentation to describe how the organization has promoted activities and events throughout the greater Ann Arbor area. Destination Ann Arbor is the sponsoring organization for the Community Tourism […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Hay Rides will be part of entertainment for Third Thursdays

This fall, a traditional autumn entertainment will be provided during the Third Thursday events set for September 20 and October 18. Thanks to Jacques LaRocque, hayrides will be part of the festivities at the last two Third Thursdays of this calendar year, from 4-8 pm, or until dark (whichever comes first). The wagon will pull […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Boys soccer team building steam as season continues

After opening the soccer season on the new turf field August 17, the Manchester High School boys’ soccer team has built an 8-4 record with some impressive wins. During the week of August 20, the team beat defending state champion Ann Arbor Greenhills 1-0, along with defending league champion Hillsdale Academy 3-1; both games were […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Marie Knorpp honored for 64 years of active living

If you’re looking for proof that regular activity can lead to longevity, you don’t need to look any further than “just down Main Street,” where Marie Knorpp lives. Marie  was honored by her family and her church family at a special coffee hour held Sunday, Aug. 26, for her many years of participating in and enjoying […]