Marsha Chartrand

Community Resource Center’s move to new location is complete!

After weeks of being “in between” locations, as of this morning, Monday, August 20, at 11:30 am, The Community Resource Center will be open for business at its new location, 710 E. Main Street, rooms 229/231 (at Riverside Intermediate School). There will be temporary yard signs out to help direct folks to the east side of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Soccer team “baptizes” new artificial turf on Friday night

The first sport to have a game on the new artificial turf field at the Manchester Athletic Complex was the boys soccer team, who played Chelsea on Friday night at 5:30 pm. After just nine minutes of play, the referees called a 30-minute weather delay due to thunder and potential storms. Although the rain continued, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Open House at all schools August 28

It’s almost time to get back to school! Administrators and Staff are starting to report today, August 20, to begin preparations for the 2018-19 school year. Here are the latest updates from the Manchester Community Schools district administration office: PowerSchool is now open with Middle School and High School schedules. If you need assistance with signing into […]

 Marsha Chartrand

SASHA Farm to hold Benefit Cruise on September 15

SASHA Farm Animal Sanctuary will host its first ever Benefit Cruise on Saturday, September 15, from 5:45-9 pm on the Diamond Belle Riverboat. Join them for an unforgettable evening and help the SASHA Farm animal residents at the same time! This very special event offers you the opportunity to cruise the Detroit River while watching the sun set […]

 Marsha Chartrand

CRC seeks volunteer nominations

8-27-2018 Editor’s Note: Because the CRC’s website is currently not working due to phone and internet issues resulting from their recent move to a new location, banquet nomination forms are available at the CRC office, by email request, or through facebook. The 31st annual Volunteer Recognition Banquet, hosted by the Community Resource Center (CRC), is set for Saturday, November 3. The […]

 Marsha Chartrand

New joint venture moving forward at SJMH Chelsea

Saint Joseph Mercy Health System (SJMHS) and Michigan Medicine, the academic medical center of the University of Michigan, have signed a definitive agreement to establish a master affiliation and a joint venture for the 133-bed St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea hospital (SJMC), effective immediately. Following Trinity Health Michigan Board’s previous approval, the University of Michigan Board […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Public Notice: Manchester Township

RESOLUTION NO. 18-13 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING BROADBAND CONNECTIVITY FOR ALL RESIDENTS OF MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN Motion by Carey, Support by Milkey Manchester Township Board of Trustees August 14, 2018   At a regular meeting of the Manchester Township Board, Washtenaw County, Michigan, held at the Township Hall, 275 South Macomb, Manchester, MI, on the 14th […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Public Notice: Manchester Township

RESOLUTION NO. 18-12 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT TO PURSUE CONNECTING COMMUNITIES GRANT FUNDING TO COMPLETE ENGINEERING STUDIES FOR THE WATKINS LAKE TRAIL Motion by Carey, Support by Milkey. Manchester Township Board of Trustees August 14, 2018 At a regular meeting of the Manchester Township Board, Washtenaw County, Michigan, held at the Township Hall, 275 South Macomb, Manchester, MI, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Farmers Market recipe of the week–Eggplant Pizzas!

Just like Julia Child used to make, says Rachel! Time Cook: ~1 hour (10 minutes prep, 30 minutes waiting, 30 minutes baking) Ingredients: 1 eggplant (about 8 ounces) 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning 10 large basil leaves, cut into long strips ⅓ cup Parmesan ⅓ cup mozzarella Red pepper […]

 Marsha Chartrand

PUBLIC NOTICE: Village of Manchester

VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING September 5, 2018, 7:00 PM Notice is hereby given that the Manchester Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Manchester Village Hall, 912 City Road, Manchester, MI. The purpose of the hearing […]