School energy initiative nears completion
At its January board meeting, the Manchester Board of Education voted to take out a $3.1 million government loan at 1.25% with 15-year financing to upgrade the district’s energy efficiency. The district applied for the Qualified Zone Academy Bond through the U.S.Department of Education just before Christmas, and was one of the last schools to receive […]
More changes on Main Street as Dairy Queen evolves
In the early 1960s, the late Francis Heckaman built and started the Dairy Queen location on the River Raisin where we all enjoy it today. Some people may still remember that for a few years prior to that, the “DQ” was located on West Austin Road, across from the cemetery. But for nearly 60 years, this […]
Fairy Doors coming to Manchester!
This month’s Third Thursday activities will include something new–Fairy Doors! A fairy door is a miniature door, often set into the base of a tree or near the foundations of a building. Near or within the door may be small spaces where people can leave notes, wishes, or gifts for the “fairies.” The urban fairy doors of the Ann Arbor […]
Singer/Songwriter Natalie Mae rounds out the season at gazebo
This week the 2018 Gazebo Concert season draws to a close with the performance of Natalie Mae Palms! After attending Loyola University of New Orleans and earning her degree in Music Industry Studies, Natalie, the daughter of Mark & Carol Palms of Raisin Pickers fame, decided to stay on in New Orleans and make her living […]
Frank’s Place to get new look, fresh outlook
Saturday, August 4, Frank’s Place will be open as usual for all the fun, food, and festivities of Run Manchester and the Manchester Summer Festival. But you’d better get your fill of Frank’s goodies this week … because starting on Sunday, Aug. 5, Manchester’s longest-running pizzeria and restaurant will be closed for about two months […]
Bluegrass with Bill Bynum at this week’s Gazebo Concert
Thursday, August 2, 7:30 pm at the gazebo–come and enjoy a band that’s as comfortable as old jeans and fresh as a new blade of grass. Bill Bynum & Co. is a band that’s easy to love and hard to quit. The band can lean into country, veer toward bluegrass, or take listeners on a unique journey […]
4-H Youth Show a growing experience
The Washtenaw County 4-H Junior Livestock Committee is not a large group by any means–but they get the job done. The past 7-10 days has been the conclusion of a year’s worth of work and learning for these 15-20 youth 4-H members, who spend all year mentoring younger kids and helping them learn the ropes of […]
Mann-ing the Broil for 65 years
Editor’s note: This article was written by Jacob Mann, the great-grandson of Willard Mann, who incorporated quotes from a 1988 family interview by Eleonora diLiscia of the Ann Arbor News. We thank Jacob for helping us provide the community with a unique perspective on this historic event. The Mann family is so dedicated to the […]
Fun for all at this week’s Washtenaw County 4-H Youth Show
The Washtenaw County 4-H Youth Show begins tomorrow at the Farm Council Grounds, 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, and runs through Friday, July 27. It’s a fun and action-packed week for those involved, like 20-year-old Jacy Wacker, who is in her final year exhibiting after many years of participation. “I started when I was 11, I […]
Nashville artist with local roots to headline Bridgewater Days
A local musician, who is also president of the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau, will be releasing his newest Nashville-recorded album at Bridgewater Days on July 28. Grant Reiff, who grew up on a sixth-generation dairy farm in central Indiana, has been playing the piano since he was five years old. “By 11 I was singing […]