The Art Kettle heats up in Manchester
On Monday, June 18, the Village Council unanimously welcomed The Art Kettle as Manchester’s new Community Cultural Center and Artist Residency. Owners Rich and Laura Earle envision a place where people can gather, learn new creative skills, share their work with the community, and inspire one another through visual, literary and performing arts. The Art […]
Fair board announces Parade Grand Marshal
When asked how she was chosen to become this year’s Grand Marshal of the Manchester Community Fair parade, Virginia Fielder quipped, “You got me.” But a lifetime of community involvement certainly makes it evident that Ginny is highly deserving of the honor. Kathy Richardson, a member of the Manchester Fair Board, says Ginny has been involved […]
Local girls excel at 2018 Meijer State Games
Phoenix Waters and Roseanna Waters, both of Manchester, participated in the Meijer State Games 2018 last weekend in Kentwood, MI. Meijer State Games of Michigan is a multi-sport, Olympic-style event that welcomes athletes regardless of age or ability. The Games embody the values of participation, sportsmanship and healthy living among residents of the state of […]
Blues and American Roots music at this week’s gazebo concert
Thursday night, June 28, will bring Blues and American Roots music to the Manchester Gazebo in Wurster Park at 7:30 pm. Peter Madcat Ruth has established an international reputation through his exhilarating, riveting virtuosity on the harmonica. His expertise on this instrument has amazed audiences world-wide. He is equally at home playing blues, folk music, […]
Michigan Supreme Court denies appeal of Dexter Wellness Center’s tax exemption
The Michigan Supreme Court issued its order Wednesday, June 20, 2018, denying the City of Dexter’s appeal of the Michigan Court of Appeals decision, which upheld the property tax exemption on the Dexter Wellness Center, hopefully bringing an end to the City of Dexter’s protracted challenge of the exempt status of the Wellness Center. “Despite […]
Kids Entering Preschool or Kindergarten? Schedule Mandatory Hearing and Vision Screenings
All children starting kindergarten or preschool must have their hearing and vision tested before starting school. The Washtenaw County Health Department offers free office appointments throughout the summer. Call 734-544-6786 to schedule. “Young children and their parents may not realize they have a hearing or vision problem,” says Deborah Thompson, lead hearing and vision technician […]
Manchester Middle School/ High School 2017-2018 fourth marking period Honor Roll
Manchester High School and Manchester Middle School have announced their fourth-quarter honor rolls for the 2017-18 school year. High Honors are awarded to those students who receive all A’s. Honors are awarded to students who receive A’s and B’s. High School High Honors Grade 12 Bargardi, Dominic D Brickley, Derek R Cecconie, Cozette J Clark, Alexander […]
Obituary: Jan E. Neukom
Jan Elizabeth Neukom was born on August 2, 1941 in Toledo, Ohio. She died on June 20, 2018 at her beloved family cottage at Sand Lake Michigan. She was the daughter of Albert and Jeanette Neukom of Adrian, Michigan, the wife of James Kilchenman of Manchester, Michigan and the sister of Albert (Jay) Neukom of […]
Obituary: Donald G.R. Beach
Donald G. R. Beach passed away peacefully on Memorial Day, at the Tidewell Hospice House in Venice, Fl. Born in Detroit, the only child of Helen and Gordon Beach. On August 4, 1951, he married the love of his life, Sally. They spent their time between Pleasant Lake in Manchester, and Englewood, FL, after Don’s retirement […]
Letter to the Editor: Hello From Italy
June 20, 2018 Five years have passed since I said my last goodbye to your beautiful community and flew away from Detroit International Airport with tear-filled eyes. Since that painful parting there has been no day in which I haven’t found myself contemplating the beautiful moments I had enjoyed on the other side of the ocean […]