Public Notice: Manchester Township Budget Public Hearing
MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING The Manchester Township Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed township budgets for fiscal year 2018-19 at the Manchester Township Hall, 275 South Macomb Street, on Monday, June 25, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. Possible budget amendments to 2017-18 will also be considered. The property tax millage […]
Gazebo Concert welcomes Jacob Warren and Grant Flick this week
This week at the gazebo, please welcome Warren & Flick, a performance you won’t want to miss. From The Tea Haus in Ann Arbor to Top of the Park, to the University of Michigan Museum of Art, this duo has been making the local rounds and entrancing audiences everywhere they go. Jacob Warren and Grant […]
Public Notice: Bridgewater Board of Trustees Meeting Synopsis 7-Jun-18
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SYNOPSIS 7-Jun-18 The regular monthly meeting of the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Fromhart at 7:00 p.m. All five Board members were present (quorum) with 14 citizens in attendance. Board heard citizen participation. Board approved the 3-May-18 meeting minutes as amended. Board approved […]
More than 60 local scholarships awarded to Class of 2018
Manchester High School is fortunate to have a generous community sponsoring a variety of local scholarships. This year, 62 graduating seniors from the Class of 2018 were recipients of a local scholarship. (Some students received multiple awards.) The Austin Fuller Memorial Scholarship was presented to Hannah McCaffrey; recipients of the Barry and Peggy Allen Vocational Scholarships were […]
Local road repairs for the week of June 18
The Washtenaw County Road Commission has published its notifications of road closures and repairs for the coming weeks. In Bridgewater Township, McCollum Road, Burmeister Road, and Kaiser Road, from Braun to Austin, will be affected by limestone resurfacing from June 18-July 1. Intermittent lane closures may affect travelers on those routes. Ongoing work in Bridgewater […]
Walk to School ends year with big prizes and big fun
An exciting end to the school year included many of the regular Walk to School crowd as recipients of some of the fabulous prizes designed to keep kids moving throughout the summer and into next school year! Kathy O’Mara, coordinator for the program, said that a total of 73 kids got a chance to take […]
Run Manchester returns with Street Festival on Aug. 4
For many years, the kickoff for the Manchester Street Festival has been an early morning run through the historic village. This year the run will be back, with a redesigned course, and new sponsorship. The new sponsors for the race are the Manchester Robotics teams, and proceeds from the race will benefit all five of […]
Co-Op preschool invites the community to see its new building
Manchester Co-Op Preschool is having a community wide open house, Thursday June 28th from 4 till 7 pm. Anyone in the community is invited to join us in opening up our new building and seeing how it has transformed into our Preschool. Ollie’s Pizza and Dairy Queen ice cream cake will be available to share! […]
Make it Manchester–this Thursday
The Third Thursday events for this week (June 21) include: • Manchester Farmers Market (4-7 pm) at Chi-Bro Park Downtown events: • Pop-Up Artist & Makers Market (4-8 pm) • Taste of Manchester at Participating Restaurants & Businesses • kids show with Colors the Clown & Company (5-7 pm) • Street Buskers: Ska TK Rottie […]
New restaurant offers fresh dining options for Manchester
Last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Manchester’s newest restaurant, Two Black Sheep, offered six tasting events–two each evening–to introduce a few of their offerings to the community. The events were an unqualified success, and the restaurant will officially open this morning (Monday, June 11) with offerings for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Owners Cheryl Coleman of Manchester […]