Marsha Chartrand

It’s Ice Cream Social time again!

Would you like to know how to spend some evenings during those lazy, hazy days of summer? Try out the ice cream socials as hosted by our area churches. They begin on June 21 and continue on a nearly weekly basis until August 2. With the exception of St. Paul UCC, socials are held outside […]

 Marsha Chartrand

High school students to vie for Fair Queen 2018

On Tuesday, July 10, immediately following the Fair Parade (which starts at 6:30 pm that evening), the Fair Queen contest will be held and winners announced on the pavilion at the Fairgrounds on Alumni Memorial Field. This year’s candidates represent the classes of 2018-2021. Candidates are selected by their classmates.

 Marsha Chartrand

Walk to School Program continues to end of school year!

 Marsha Chartrand

Gazebo Concerts start with kids concert Thursday!

 Marsha Chartrand

Vacation Bible School coming to Bethel Church

June 25-28, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Bethel United Church of Christ, located in Freedom Township at the corner of Bethel Church and Schneider Roads will be the setting for . . . . . Vacation Bible School CAMP OUT where they will be “GETTING S’MORE OF JESUS.” All “campers,” from having completed preschool to having completed […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Photo: Eighth graders honored

 Marsha Chartrand

Local musician wins Detroit Music Award

The Detroit Music Awards are a prestigious Detroit tradition that honors some of the best musicians around the state. Like the Grammys, the DMA is voted on by the musicians’ peers–the 4,000 members of the Motor City Music Foundation. Over the years, since its inception in the early 1990s, it has evolved to include artists […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Clinton Summerfest brings fun for all ages

Looking for something to entertain the entire family next weekend? You might want to try taking the short drive down to Tate Park in Clinton and visit their Summerfest–you may see a lot of your Manchester neighbors there! John Schiel, the co-chair of the antique tractor show at the Summerfest, is a lifelong resident of Bridgewater Township and a […]

 Marsha Chartrand

River dredging set; plans for riverfront park becoming a reality

For the past several years–since the Village of Manchester purchased the former Buss Property on Ann Arbor Hill, and demolished the house and coal barn located across from Chi-Bro Park–the vision has been to create a riverfront park with opportunities for the community to enjoy and benefit from the River Raisin as it runs through […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Road work scheduled in Bridgewater Township

The Washtenaw County Road Commission has announced its road work schedule for this week, which includes intermittent lane closures on Austin Road between Clinton and Parker Roads, for pavement repair. There will be no detour set as the repairs will be done while the road is still open. Work is set for completion during the week […]