American Legion Auxiliary’s Miss Poppy 2018
Manchester’s American Legion Auxiliary Unit #117 is pleased to introduce Miss Poppy: seven-year-old Zippy Schiel, daughter of James and Rebekkah Pratt Schiel, is eligible for membership in the Junior Auxiliary through the service of her grandfather, Charles Schiel, who is a Vietnam Veteran. Zippy is homeschooled and in the second grade. She was giving out […]
Village street work set to begin this summer
It’s no secret that there are some pretty badly deteriorated streets in the Village of Manchester. Over the years, village administration has kept a list of streets, prioritized by condition. The list is updated annually. Those in the worst condition are placed on the list for repair and replacement. Local street funds have suffered in Manchester, like in […]
“Decided” Day at MHS
Manchester High School holds an annual “Decision Day,” where senior classmates celebrate EVERY post-secondary decision. “It is this school’s goal to help 100% of their graduates determine a plan after high school, whether it be community college, university, trade school, the military, an apprenticeship, or the work force,” said Hollie Kolcz, school counselor. “Every senior […]
Fourth Annual “Out of the Darkness” Walk set for May 20
submitted by Megan Linski, walk coordinator The Manchester High School Out of the Darkness Campus Walk is set for this year on Sunday, May 20, at Carr Park. Registration begins at 2 pm, and the walk will start at 3 pm. The walk fights suicide by raising money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention […]
MHS Drama Club presents “Little Shop of Horrors”
The weekend of April 20-22 was a busy one for Manchester, and one of the many events happening was the high school musical performance of “Little Shop of Horrors.” Creative sets and costuming were a hallmark of the production, with plenty of singing, dancing, and laughter. Photos courtesy of Unforgettable Photos, Manchester.
MHS Prom 2018 (photos)
The annual Junior-Senior prom was held on Saturday, May 5 at The Landing in Tecumseh. Skylyr Zink and Lauren Sprau were named Prom King and Queen and the photo booth was definitely the hot spot of the evening. A s’mores bar also was popular with attendees. Photos courtesy of Unforgettable Photos, Manchester.
Placemaking presentation open to community
The Manchester Downtown Development Authority (DDA) invites you to attend a public meeting/presentation on “Placemaking,” which will be held Wednesday evening, May 16, 7:30 pm in the Village Room, Manchester Village Offices. Join the DDA, the Chamber of Commerce, the Manchester Area Historical Society, and other community organizations for an inspiring presentation by Gil White, Placemaking Consultant for the Michigan Realtors. […]
Gearing up for Bike to School Wednesday
As the weather improves, the number of bicycles joining the Walk to School program is growing, too! This Wednesday, May 9, is National Bike to School Day. Klager teacher and Walk to School coordinator Kathy O’Mara is looking forward to a record-breaking participation this week! The weather is predicted to be great, and the enthusiasm […]