C.R.O.W group sets 10th annual Valentine’s Day Sale
Citizens Respecting our Waters (C.R.O.W.) is pleased to announce our 10th Annual Valentine’s Day Flower and Bake Sale. The event will be held Tuesday, February 13th from 3-6 pm and on Wednesday, February 14th from 9 am-6 pm at the Freedom Township Hall, 11508 E. Pleasant Lake Road. Beautiful fresh flower arrangements ready-to-go, homemade baked goods, and […]
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital to present “Drugs 101” event in Manchester
A parent education event is coming to Manchester on March 15th at the Middle/High School, sponsored by the PTSA. The event, “Drugs 101: What Parents Want to Know,” is an opportunity for parents to come and hear about what youth substance use looks like, learn how to identify use, and how to have conversations with the kids […]
Another successful week for wrestlers
The Dutch wrestlers went 2-0 against Napoleon and Michigan Center on Wednesday night at the Napoleon quad meet. On Saturday, the team headed to Leslie to the Blackhawk Invitational tournament and earned a third place team finish out of 22 teams, with a total of 173 points. Individual placers included first-place medalists Reese Fry at […]
Fabulous Fridays start at Klager!
The intrepid walk to school crews, headed up by Klager teacher Kathy O’Mara, have started a third day per week of walking to school. Now known as “Fabulous Fridays,” the crew meets at Chi-Bro Park only at 7:45 am for an invigorating walk up the hill to Klager. A small but sturdy group also celebrated […]
Wrestlers face tough competition at Hudson Super 16 Tourney
Last week’s wrestling started with a dual meet at Vandercook Lake on Wednesday, Jan. 17 and the Dutch went 2-0 on the night, with a 48-27 victory over Addison and an incredible 77-0 decision over the Vandercook grapplers. The big news of the night, however, was two Dutch wrestlers reaching milestone wins: Reese Fry (112) got his […]
Wrestlers have a successful week!
It was a good week for the varsity wrestlers! On Wednesday, Jan. 10, the team attended a Quad Meet in East Jackson, going 2-0 for the night against East Jackson and Hanover Horton. Great performances from all wrestlers helped the team go undefeated against Hanover and they gained a decisive win over East Jackson. Grass Lake […]
Become a Master Rain Gardener!
What is a Master Rain Gardener? Come train with us, and find out! Rain Gardens filter out pollutants so that our streams and rivers run clean. Anyone can plant one in their own back yard! During our Master Rain Gardener Certification Class, held every Wednesday at 9:30 am, from Jan 17 – Feb 14, you will learn […]
Crazy Ca$h tickets going fa$t!
An “amazing” response to the pre-sale of Crazy Ca$h tickets has set a record of sales prior to Dec. 31. “There are only 19 tickets left,” said Kiwanis member Pat Vailliencourt. “We have some awesome sideboard prizes again this year, along with the $5,000 grand prize.” The March 3, 2018 event may be your last-ever opportunity […]
Wrestlers perform well at Clinton tournament
The Dave Elliot Memorial Wrestling Individual Tournament welcomed the Manchester Varsity wrestlers, along with 16 other teams from across Southeastern Michigan, to Clinton on Saturday for the 43rd annual event. Medaling for the Dutch in Saturday’s tournament were Senior wrestler Reese Fry at 112# with a first-place finish, including a pin. Reese is now 23-0 for […]
Helping the Community during the Holiday Season
Over the holidays, Manchester High School’s Class of 2019 decided to help their community by giving a donation to the local Community Resource Center. Officers Emma Mrocko (President), Kate Pohs (Vice President), Brooke Langbehn (Secretary), and Avery Collins (Treasurer) decided that they wanted to support their community this holiday season. After pondering over what they could […]