Village Council, DDA continue discussions of vacant building ordinance
Discussions are continuing at recent meetings of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and Manchester Village Council, on the possibility of implementing an ordinance that would discourage owners from keeping vacant storefront buildings in the downtown area. Recent meetings which included merchants and DDA have hashed out the pros and cons of such an ordinance, which […]
Text Messaging Service Aims to Improve Children’s Literacy
The Manchester District library is part of a new service that aims to improve childhood literacy … with text messages! Parents of kids 5 and under can receive messages suggesting easy, fun ways to incorporate learning into their everyday lives. The more words children hear in their early years, the easier it is to learn to […]
Freedom Childcare to host fall event
The Freedom Childcare Center will be hosting a “Fall Festival Fabulosa” on Sunday, October 29 from 2-3:30 pm. The center is collecting items for Faith in Action in Chelsea. There will be a scarecrow that can be dressed with hats and mittens, and a pumpkin to be filled with non-perishable food items for the Faith […]
Freedom church to host dinner Oct. 26
St. Thomas Lutheran Church will host a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser on Thursday, October 26, from 5:30-7 pm at the Freedom Township Hall, 11508 E. Pleasant Lake Road. All proceeds will go toward hurricane relief efforts. The all you can eat dinner includes drink and dessert. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for kids 12 and […]
Lock it or lose it! Secure your gun
Earlier this summer, the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office reported investigating 20 stolen vehicles in the month of July and how significant of an increase that was for this area. Many of the vehicles that were stolen or broken into were taken by opening an unlocked door. Some of these vehicles also had unsecured guns that were stolen. […]
National Walk Day draws a crowd!
Between 85-90 kids, parents, community members, and Klager staff participated in National Walk to School Day last Wednesday, October 4. It was a great turnout despite many logistical challenges for the staff coordinating this year’s walking program. Kathy O’Mara has headed up this program for four years, and is always eager to find new ways to […]
Fire prevention week: Every Second Counts!
Consider this scenario: It’s 2 am. You and your family are fast asleep when you awaken to the smoke alarm sounding and the smell of smoke. What do you do? If you and your family don’t have a plan in place, it could jeopardize your safety, or even prove deadly. In a typical home fire, you […]
Realizing the Dream – to Ride with the Best of the Best!!
Submitted by Donna Clark, coach The Manchester High School Equestrian team finished our regular equestrian season as an undefeated team in District competition. We headed off to the Regional competition knowing that we would now be facing a more difficult level of competition and many more riders in our classes. We practiced hard, we held our […]
Fright night at TCA features Manchester residents!
Celebrate Halloween with The Tecumseh Players, the TCA Big Band & VocalAires, and Tecumseh Youth Theatre as they present “Fright Night at the TCA.” The “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” will be presented as an old-fashioned style radio show, complete with sound effects and music by the TCA Big Band & VocalAires, on Friday, October 20, […]
Eagle Scout project results in new playground at Kirk Park
An Eagle Scout project soon to be completed by Scout Joseph Grebe, will provide additional play equipment at Kirk Park for toddlers and preschoolers. Equipment especially for younger children was seen as a need in the Manchester Village Parks Commission long range planning, and Grebe stepped up just in time to get the structure completed […]