Marsha Chartrand

WCSO updates on child luring incidents

The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office is working in conjunction with the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office, as well as Hamburg Township Police Department, regarding three separate attempted child luring incidents which have occurred since Saturday, August 26, 2017. The Washtenaw County incident occurred in the area of Orchard Street and Portage Lake Avenue in Dexter Township […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Regional Model A group visits Manchester

Nearly 400 Ford Model A’s (and their owners) gathered in Jackson last weekend for a Regional Model A meet, sponsored by the Jackson Spartan Horn Model A Club. Manchester members of this group include George & Lois Wacker, Gerald Grossman, and Barry & Peggy Allen. On Saturday, the group had the option of taking several tours around the area, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

SRSLY Coalition Celebrates Ninth Annual Volunteer Appreciation Party

Every year, SRSLY celebrates the hard work of its dedicated volunteers by throwing a Volunteer Appreciation Party. The SRSLY coalitions in Chelsea, Dexter, Manchester, and Stockbridge came together at Pinckney State Park for this celebration on August 9. Thousands of t-shirts, slices of pizza, and hours of volunteer time have been put into SRSLY since it […]

 Marsha Chartrand

One step closer to connecting village to Watkins State Park

Last Wednesday night almost forty Manchester village, township, and other area residents attended the Manchester Village Parks and Recreation Open House to give input that will be added to the joint 5 year Parks and Recreation plan. Attendees were able to both vote on new recreation features proposed by organizers, like having the River Raisin running […]

 Marsha Chartrand

“LifeStories” meetings continue in September

Kathy Walz LMSW, CPC, Behavioral Health Navigator for St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Chelsea will be at the Community Resource Center in Manchester on Tuesday, September 12 at 2 pm.  The CRC office is in the Ackerson Building; enter the doors at the northeast corner of the building, just off the parking lot at Wolverine and Vernon […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Lindsay Hannah to leave SRSLY Manchester

In a letter dated Friday, Aug. 25, Lindsay Hannah, who has been acting as the Coalition Director for SRSLY Manchester over the past four years, announced to the coalition that she has accepted a position with a health foundation in Wasilla, Alaska. Hannah’s last day with SRSLY Manchester will be September 15. “This was a very […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester Sesquicentennial Recap–Part 3

by Ray Berg The Sesquicentennial events through mid-Saturday August 5, were summarized in Parts 1 and 2 of this series. This week, we finish with a summary of activities on the rest of Saturday through the closing ceremony on Monday August 7. Historic Home Tours – Saturday, August 5 and Sunday, August 6 As part of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Street work to commence soon

At last week’s Village Council meeting, trustees voted unanimously to proceed with street re-paving work on some streets with the worst conditions in the village. Village Manager Jeff Wallace reported that two companies were contacted to quote repairs on four streets from the top of its repair list. K&B Asphalt from Adrian presented the low bid of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

New DPW supervisor enthusiastic to learn

A new face is joining the more familiar ones in the Department of Public Works (DPW) crew in the Village of Manchester. Brent Jones, a native of Grass Lake, was the successful applicant for the “working superintendent” job advertised by the Village in July, to replace long-time DPW Superintendent Gary Wiedmayer. Wiedmayer will retire at […]

 Marsha Chartrand

[PHOTO] Manchester in 1906

This photo postcard of “Main St., Manchester, Mich” is from the collection of Gerald Swartout, and is probably circa 1906, from the date of the postmark. It is Main Street looking east from just beyond the Blacksmith Shop, which is shown on the left. The text at right reads, “Dear Genevieve: Do you remember this place? This […]