Marsha Chartrand

The Healthiest Resolution: Quit Smoking

Washtenaw County Public Health reminds residents that the start of a new year is a great time for anyone thinking about quitting smoking to set a date, get support, and quit. This year is an especially important year to quit for many, as Ann Arbor will be the first city in Michigan to ban tobacco […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Luminaria light the way

Each year since the late 1970s, Manchester has turned into a village of lights as the community members light their luminaria on Christmas Eve. This annual celebration is headed up by the Manchester Lions Club, which has organized the holiday tradition since taking over the project from the Manchester Area Historical Society in 2008. The tradition began […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Home for Christmas

Coming down Ann Arbor Hill Luminaries all aglow Their twinkling candles sparkling Upon the glistening snow.   I’m coming home for Christmas Back to the country town I love Manchester, my home sweet home, You’re my peaceful dove.   Turning on to Main Street My hometown looks so small I’m glad some things never change […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Special event for all Wednesday walkers!

The Walk-to-School-Wednesday crew will finish up their final walk of 2016 this week with a “Garland Walk” and everyone is welcome. “This is our second annual Garland Walk,” said  Kathy O’Mara, who is organizing the event. “Each walker will receive a garland necklace and a special surprise for walking.” Walkers meet at Wurster Park in front […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Letters to Santa

“Dear Santa,” The letters begin pouring in as soon as the mailbox is placed in front of Santa’s house on Main Street, next to Comerica Bank. Santa loves receiving letters from his young friends in Manchester, and he would like to answer all of them. But sometimes things get very busy at the North Pole […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Busy week for Manchester Co-op Preschool!

It has been a busy week for the co-op preschool, starting with participating in the lighted Christmas parade last Friday night, continuing with the annual auction fundraiser and chili cook-off last Saturday, and culminating with the kids’ Christmas program on Dec. 9! The preschool’s annual fundraiser was a great success, grossing more than $7,000 for the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Local author publishes book on breast cancer journey – Chemo Fashion Fridays

When Dr. Julieanna Frost, an associate professor of History at Siena Heights College in Adrian, started writing books, it was in the context of her academic career, and she never expected it to be any other way. She has written two biographies and a historical perspective on the City of Adrian, all of which have been […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Dr. Kathryn Brown, D.D.S.–dedicated to putting a smile on your face!

“From a very young age, I enjoyed going to the dentist,” says Dr. Kathryn Brown, new dental associate at Adiska Family Dental. “So much so, that I have worn almost every hat in the dental office, at one time or another, on my journey to becoming a dentist. “I started my career in elementary school, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Co-op Preschool auction & chili cook off set

Adding to the fun and frenzy of the Christmas in the Village weekend, the Manchester Co-op Preschool is bringing its signature annual fundraiser to the festivities! Do you think your chili is the best in town? Prove it by entering the Great Chili Cook off at the St Mary Parish Center on Madison Street, right behind […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Klager’s second annual “Turkey Trot” a gobbling success!

They came on foot; they came in cars or school buses and walked the rest of the distance to school; and they even came in strollers. The second annual “Turkey Trot” for Walk to School Wednesday, held on Nov. 16, was a success both in number of participants and in the collection of goods for Manchester’s […]