School board adopts strategic plan
After months of planning and discussion, followed by an all-day workshop in September attended by administration, staff, and community stakeholders, culminating in an October implementation workshop involving key staff members, the Manchester Community Schools Board of Education adopted its new strategic plan for 2016-2020 at the Nov. 21, 2016 meeting. Primary elements of the strategic plan […]
Vacancies on three Village commissions
One of the tasks that Village President Pat Vailliencourt undertakes with the start of a new calendar year is making appointments to the various commissions that are a sub-set of local government. The Planning Commission serves as an advisory body to the Council on matters of zoning and land use. It also reviews and adopts […]
MHS wrestler will head to Stanford University on scholarship
When talking about Ethan Woods, a senior at Manchester High School, one of the most common things you will hear anyone say about him is that he is a “hard worker.” Whether it’s his coaches, his parents, his teachers, or his guidance counselor, each one will applaud his work ethic and reinforce that it is […]
Science Olympiad Team seeks coaches.
The Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad, a county-wide program designed to to promote early interest in science and to recognize outstanding achievement in a variety of scientific fields, is coming to Manchester! Manchester second through fifth graders can participate in a number of different events, meeting regularly with teammates to learn and practice. There will be a […]
Second annual “Garland Walk” a success
A total of 28 students and adults participated in the Walk To School Wednesday “Garland Walk” event December 21, walking from Wurster Park, Chi-Bro Park, and the Ackerson Building to Klager Elementary School. Walkers from Wurster Park had the added fun of Christmas caroling to the breakfast crowd at Frank’s Place, as well as to […]
Volunteers sought for Washtenaw homeless count
The Washtenaw County Continuum of Care (CoC) seeks volunteers for the 2017 Homeless Point-in-Time (PIT) Count on Thursday, January 26 from 4-8 am. As part of an annual HUD-mandated national homeless PIT count, the count provides a snapshot of sheltered and un-sheltered individuals experiencing homelessness throughout Washtenaw County. With the recent commitment to extend its participation […]
Suicides increase; county seeks answers
Suicide attempts and suicide completions have increased in Washtenaw County, especially among young people 15-24 years old. Washtenaw County Public Health, Washtenaw County Community Mental Health and other community agencies and partners are working together to monitor and address both suicide attempts and completions with the goal of reversing this trend in Washtenaw County. “We […]
The Healthiest Resolution: Quit Smoking
Washtenaw County Public Health reminds residents that the start of a new year is a great time for anyone thinking about quitting smoking to set a date, get support, and quit. This year is an especially important year to quit for many, as Ann Arbor will be the first city in Michigan to ban tobacco […]
Luminaria light the way
Each year since the late 1970s, Manchester has turned into a village of lights as the community members light their luminaria on Christmas Eve. This annual celebration is headed up by the Manchester Lions Club, which has organized the holiday tradition since taking over the project from the Manchester Area Historical Society in 2008. The tradition began […]
Home for Christmas
Coming down Ann Arbor Hill Luminaries all aglow Their twinkling candles sparkling Upon the glistening snow. I’m coming home for Christmas Back to the country town I love Manchester, my home sweet home, You’re my peaceful dove. Turning on to Main Street My hometown looks so small I’m glad some things never change […]