Manchester Family Service Christmas Shop–Adoption program and gift giving
The Manchester Family Service (MFS) exists to provide aid to many families and individuals in the community. As the holiday season approaches, we seek ways to brighten their lives through our annual Christmas Project. Through the project, MFS coordinates the efforts of individuals, organizations, and businesses in our community to provide gifts, food, warm clothing, […]
November Book Discussion Group at the Manchester District Library
The November book for the Book Discussion Group at the Manchester District Library is O Pioneers! by Willa Cather. It’s the story of a family of Swedish immigrants in Nebraska farm country at the turn of the 20th century. The novel brings to life the loneliness of forging a living on the frontier of the […]
Seminar set: Planning for college
A parent workshop, titled “Paying for College,” is scheduled for this Wednesday, November 2, from 6:30-8 pm, at the Manchester Middle School, 710 E. Main Street, room 223. Middle school is not too early to start to think about college. If you’re intimidated by the rising cost of college tuition, you’re not alone. Tuition and fees […]
It’s time to “Fall Back” this weekend!
Manchester, along with most of the rest of the United States, will end Daylight Saving Time (DST) this coming Sunday, November 6, 2016. Clocks will be set back 1 hour to standard time from 02:00 (2 am) to 01:00 (1 am), local time.Sunrise and sunset will be about one hour earlier on Sunday, November 6, than the previous day, […]
Schools to develop district strategic plan
On Saturday, September 17, about 35 community members, school board members and candidates, school staff, students, and alumni gathered at the Ackerson administrative building for a day-long session to come up with a strategic plan for the Manchester Community Schools district. Jay Bennett, from the Michigan Association of School Boards, was facilitator for the day. […]
Join the crowd for Walk to School Wednesday this week!
Wednesday, October 5 will be the 20th anniversary of “Walk to School Day” across Michigan and Manchester Community Schools is ramping up its efforts to get more kids walking to school as a way to celebrate this milestone. Groups are meeting at four locations this fall to get motivated for the ongoing ‘Walk to School Wednesday’ […]
Sweet Mary’s Cafe holds grand opening
Rachel Brazier has had a busy summer with her new business venture, named for her grandmother, and is looking forward to an even busier fall season. Last Saturday, she and her family hosted a grand opening event at her coffee shop and cafe located at 327 West Main Street. “We’ve had a good start,” she […]
Letter to the Editor: Statement from the Chicken Broil Committee
Sept. 22, 2016 To the Editor: The leadership of the Manchester Community Chicken Broil and each member of the Chicken Broil Committee has compassion for Sullivan LaHuis. We have sent a letter to the LaHuis family, and reserve any further comments on this matter. We thank the staff of the Manchester Mirror for reaching out […]
Riverfolk receives grant for 2016-17 season!
A $4,000 mini-grant from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA) will provide additional support for special performances during the upcoming season of Riverfolk Blacksmith Shop concerts and Cultural Arts Strings (CAS) music education, as well as 2017 Gazebo concerts in Wurster Park. The grant is intended to support local artists and communities […]
Child, seriously burned following Chicken Broil, still recovering
The Manchester Chicken Broil has been an iconic event in Manchester for 62 years. It has raised money across the community–for everything from an athletic field fence to library equipment and downtown Christmas decorations. This year’s proceeds are allocated to helping fund improvements at the Kingsley-Jenter House, the former funeral home now being converted to a community […]