Marsha Chartrand

Gazebo concert series kicks off with Gemini this week!

This summer’s Gazebo Concert Series begins Thursday, June 9, with the Gemini Children’s Concert starting at 7 pm. This is an early start time for this concert only–the remaining concerts will begin at 7:30 pm. Gemini has been performing since 1973 and are now playing music for their third—or maybe their fourth—generation of young fans […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester’s own Viral Video

In 1985, John Mellencamp wrote a song about his experiences growing up in a small town in Indiana. It was a song that resonated with many baby boomers who had grown up in small towns all across the country and has been used in a variety of different movies, television shows, and documentaries throughout the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

It’s Ice Cream Social time again!

Would you like to know how to spend some evenings during those lazy, hazy days of summer? Try out the ice cream socials as hosted by our area churches. They begin on June 19 and continue on a nearly weekly basis until August 7. With the exception of St. Paul UCC, socials are held outside on the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester Co-Op Preschool Chili Cookoff and Auction deemed a success!

Eight local cooks took part in this year’s inaugural attempt at bringing back the much-missed Chili Cookoff, and took great pride in their amazing offerings. Photos courtesy of Manchester Co-Op Preschool. On Saturday, April 30, the Manchester Co-Op Preschool held its annual auction, which is the preschool’s major fund-raiser each year. This year, the preschool […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Main Street Bridge opens!

The much-anticipated opening of Manchester’s Main Street Bridge finally happened on Friday morning, May 6, shortly after 9 am. A previously publicized opening ceremony was cancelled due to rain, which had caused the bridge painting to be a few days behind its original schedule. But painting and pavement markings were completed on Thursday, making way […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester High School Prom 2016 (photos)

The Classes of 2016 and 2017 “Partied Like Gatsby” on Saturday night at Sauk Valley in Onsted. All photos accompanying this article are courtesy of Unforgettable Photos, Manchester.  

 Marsha Chartrand

Celebrity Server Night set for tomorrow!

Celebrity Server Night has been a Manchester tradition for more than 15 years. Celebrities, (AKA Manchester Community Schools teachers and staff) don fancy black aprons adorned with the Manchester Community Schools Foundation (MCSF) logo, and bring water, take orders, deliver food, make ice cream cones, and bill the customers for their orders. All gratuities collected […]

 Marsha Chartrand

May “Trumpeter,” Manchester Senior Citizens Newsletter

The May 2016 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download here: MAY TRUMPETER NEWSLETTER R 2016

 Marsha Chartrand

Living the good life in Manchester!

 Marsha Chartrand

Chicken Broil pledges $20,000 to Historical Society effort

The Manchester Chicken Broil Board of Directors recently approved a generous pledge of $20,000 to the Manchester Area Historical Society’s drive to purchase and renovate the Kingsley-Jenter Home on the corner of M-52 and Main Street. Read the story of the Historical Society’s purchase here. The historical society has applied for a grant through the state, to […]