Freedom Township acts on fence issue
After several months of discussion, at its August 9 meeting the Freedom Township Board reviewed proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments submitted by the township’s Planning Commission, and voted to approve all but one of the proposed amendments – waterfront lot setbacks – which will remain at the current 50 feet rather than the proposed reduction to 25 feet. Valisa […]
Manchester Wellness Coalition announces upcoming new publication
The Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce and the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation, represented by the Manchester Wellness Coalition, recently announced a new publication coming this fall. In October, the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation will launch its first issue of Connected. This bi-annual, high-quality magazine will contain several articles on health and wellness topics, covering the five communities […]
Event builds team spirit for the Dutch football program
“Friday Night Lights” started off early last Friday at the Manchester Athletic Complex, with about 30 Varsity and JV football players and 30 more members of the Youth Football program joining together on the field for a fun team-building event organized by varsity players Caleb Goodell and Hunter Carson. Starting at 8 pm on Friday, […]
Check out a food dehydrator!
Is your garden producing more than you can handle, but you don’t want to let any of your hard work go to waste? Check out the Manchester District Library’s dehydrator and preserve summer’s bounty for the long Michigan winter! Dehydrators can be used for many different purposes beyond the standard fruit leathers. Dry fresh herbs. […]
What ARE those huge loads?
Many times over the last month, readers have asked about gigantic metal tubes being transported by a strange, specialized semi-rig along county roads, specifically on M-52 through Manchester. The Mirror’s publisher, Fritz Swanson, asked the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) if permits had been issued for these unusual loads to be passing through the community. The response, […]
Manchester’s own Paul Schulte now a color commentator!
It may have been a while since wheelchair Olympian Paul Schulte was featured in Manchester news coverage, but it’s doubtful that too many local readers have forgotten about his amazing achievements. Paul, who was seriously injured in a car crash at the age of 10, started playing basketball from his wheelchair four years later. By the time he […]
Schools to be affected by loss of migrant population
The former DuRussel farm in Freedom Township has long hired a significant number of migrant workers to help throughout the summer growing season. The workers have traditionally included a number of young families, and some families have been coming to Manchester each summer for generations. A federally-funded summer program has provided fun, educational opportunities, and noon […]
Castle House has a new family!
It has been nearly a year since the historic Castle House at the corner of West Duncan and South Washington streets has had a permanent occupant to call it “home.” In fact, it has been almost exactly one year since The Mirror published an article about the castle house in its August 3, 2015 edition, shortly after it […]
Final Gazebo Concert of the season to feature Mr. B
For the final concert of the 2016 season, the Gazebo Concert series will host blues and boogie-woogie pianist Mark “Mr. B” Braun. Mr. B has become one of the premiere purveyors of a vanishing art. He learned his craft first-hand from the early masters, and is a rare living link to the first generation of […]