Marsha Chartrand

Manchester High School 2015-2016 Third Marking Period Honor Roll

              High Honors 12th Grade Adams, Martha A Allen, Alisha M Beagle, Rachael L Bianco, Felecia M Bruursema, Sean P Coluccy, Danielle M Crouch, Alexandrea M Daugherty, Alexis L Golding, Caroline M Haynes, Derek M Hicken, Nathaniel A Horning, Mason J Hutchison, Jessica M Kemner, Maddison M Kominars, Natasha […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Village meetings focus on revitalizing downtown Manchester

Two public meetings held last week at the Village offices attracted more than 40 interested community members to discuss the potential for economic development in Manchester. The first meeting, held on Monday, March 28, was a brainstorming meeting with representatives of the River Raisin Watershed Council to discuss what future development could look like on the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

SJMH Chelsea offers diabetes education & support

Approximately 29.1 million Americans have diabetes, and about one in four are not aware that they have it. In 2012, 250,000 Michiganders with diabetes were undiagnosed, according to Laura Blodgett, APR Regional Manager of Media and Public Relations for St. Joseph Mercy Health System (SJMHS). “Approximately 60,000 new cases of diabetes occur in Michigan each […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Community Partnership to Focus on Local Development – Meetings TONIGHT & TOMORROW

As spring arrives and the Main Street Bridge nears completion, the Manchester Village Council and the Downtown Development Authority will shift its focus to help promote economic development in the downtown business district. Village President Pat Vailliencourt is inviting business and property owners, volunteers, and elected officials, to provide critical input moving forward with this project. Recent opportunities have […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan’s Presidential Primary is TOMORROW

ATTENTION VOTERS: The March 8, 2016 Presidential Primary is a closed primary which requires a selection of ballot type: Republican, Democratic, or Nonpartisan (which will include Proposals only). A new format for the Michigan Presidential Primary takes effect with Tuesday’s voting day. While you need not be registered as either Republican or Democrat to participate […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Co-op Preschool Brings Back Chili Cookoff!

The Manchester Co-op Preschool’s biggest fundraiser of the year, the annual auction, is set for Saturday, April 30 at the Manchester Sportsman’s Club. To expand its support from the community, this year’s auction will be held in conjunction with a chili cook-off, which will begin at noon with chili ready to serve and taste by 5 […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Village Approves Design Plans for New Pizza Place on Corner

Representatives from Over the Edge Pizza, including owner Chris Moyle, were present at the Feb. 15th Village Council meeting to have their site design for the “orange building” located on the corner of M-52 and Main Street reviewed as part of the Manchester’s Historic District. Village planners Carlisle Wortman had also reviewed the plans prior […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Main Street Bridge on Target to be Open by Memorial Day

At its Feb. 15 meeting, Manchester Village Council was briefed on the status of the Main Street Bridge by Village Manager Jeff Wallace. Wallace noted that the weekend’s warm weather predictions could make it possible for Main Street Bridge grouting to proceed, which must be done at temperatures higher than 40 degrees F. With this important phase under […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Relay For Life 2016 to Kick Off in March with “A Taste of Manchester”

Manchester’s sixth annual Relay For Life is set for June 18, 2016. Each year, more than 4 million people in 20 countries raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through the Relay For Life movement. During a Relay event, participants and survivors celebrate what they’ve overcome, remember people lost to the disease, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Good Weather Allows Bridge Work to Continue Steadily

There’s one good thing about El Nino. With favorable weather conditions this winter, work has been able to continue on the Main Street Bridge despite delays early last fall with the state-selected contractor’s difficulty drilling in the micro-pilings. National Weather Service predictions for above-average temperatures during February and March mean that much of the structural work […]