Family Game Night Planned at Zion Lutheran Church
Zion Lutheran Church, located at 3050 S. Fletcher Road in Freedom Township (Chelsea), is hosting a family game night for the entire community on Saturday, Feb. 20 at 6:30 pm. The evening will include euchre, dominoes, board games, and supervised games for children, along with homemade pretzels, popcorn, and other goodies. This is a free […]
Manchester Quilter to be Featured at International Show
Necessity, as they say, may well be the mother of invention. Manchester resident Rossie Hutchinson, an intern and assistant at the Manchester Community Resource Center, says she got started in quilting because, “I couldn’t afford to buy the sort of thing I liked, but I could afford to make it!” Rossie’s mother taught her to sew when […]
Micropile Phase of Bridge Work Nears Completion
As of Wednesday, Dec. 16, bridge contractor Spartan Specialties had just 12 of the 76 pilings remaining to be finished before this phase of construction will be done. “Hopefully, with weather holding and the holiday schedule, (they) should be completed by the end of the year,” said Village Manager Jeff Wallace in his report to […]
Men’s Club Hopes to Sell Out of Trees This Week!
Down to 40 … make that 39 … trees on Saturday afternoon, the Manchester Men’s Club expects to sell out its entire stock of 240 locally-grown Christmas trees sometime this week. This year’s tree lot was set up with the assistance of the Manchester High School boys’ soccer teams and coaches Mark Davis and Marty Tungate. John […]
Manchester Family Service Christmas Shop Adoption Program and Gift Giving
The Manchester Family Service will hold its annual CHRISTMAS SHOP from 9am to noon on Saturday, Dec. 19 at the St. Mary Parish Center, 110 E. Madison St., Manchester. At the “shop,” many families and individuals in our community who are assisted by MFS will receive gifts and items of food and clothing. There are […]
New Option for Paying Village of Manchester Bills
According to a “news” brief on the Village of Manchester website, the village is now able to accept payment for bills – including their water bill – from residents who prefer to use their credit card or direct payment through their checking or savings account. This is an option that has been a long time […]
Village Releases Official Bridge Update
The following is an update as of November 5, 2015 on the Main Street Bridge project in the Village of Manchester. Final plans were put out to bid and approved by MDOT for construction in early summer 2015 with the project completion date set to be mid-December. With this schedule, the bridge would not be starting under […]
Sharon UMC Holding Swiss Steak Dinner THIS Saturday
Are you ready for a dinner date? Stop out to the Sharon United Methodist Church fellowship hall (off M-52 at Pleasant Lake Road) for a tasty family oriented meal from 5-7 pm on Saturday, November 14. The Swiss Steak Dinner will include Swiss steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, carrots, coleslaw, roll and butter, […]
Co-Op Preschool Holds Annual Trick-or-Treat
The three and four-year-old classes from Manchester Cooperative Preschool enjoyed their annual trick-or-treat journey through downtown on Thursday and Friday of last week. On Thursday, Ms. Brandi Bennett’s three-year-olds accompanied by their parents, first participated in this co-op tradition. On Friday, four-year-olds guided by Ms. Shelby Chartrand and a group of parent helpers and siblings, visited many of […]
Historical Society Aims to “Preserve the Corner” with Plans for the Old Funeral Home
About a year ago, in September 2014, the Manchester Area Historical Society set out on a mission. At that time, they never dreamed where they would end up! The Historical Society board of directors realized that they were outgrowing the current Blacksmith Shop, which has been its headquarters for more than 20 years. Board trustee Ray Berg […]